Where is the Money for Women's Rights - Factsheets
These factsheets were produced to help in understanding the dynamics around funding for womens rights activities.
These factsheets were produced to help in understanding the dynamics around funding for womens rights activities.
In this article, feminist political economist Marilyn Waring looks at international development, civil society and the rights agenda through a feminist movement history lens.
This primer explains what intersectionality is, including its critical role in work for human rights and development, and suggests some different ways in which gender equality advocates can use it.
These twelve insights into how to develop more effective monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems are important for those engaged in women’s rights and empowerment work at the grassroots, national, regional, and global level.
This brief shares an assessment of the Dutch MDG3 Fund, highlighting the mid-term outcomes of grants made to a sample of women's organizations worldwide.
These articles highlight key issues and points for discussion for young women involved in feminist movements and organizations.
By presenting a cross-regional, cross-religion synthesis of religious fundamentalist strategies and feminist strategies, this report hopes to enable more effective resistance and challenge to fundamentalisms by women’s rights activists and their allies in other movements.
This in-depth publication presents the top ten myths common to all regions and religions through the lived experiences of women’s rights activists, and contributes to strengthening resistance and challenges to religious fundamentalisms.
This report offers insights and strategies for achieving a significant increase in access to funding for women's rights work, and also to improve the effectiveness of women's organizations to raise more funds and utilize them to build stronger movements and progress gender equality globally.