Conditionalities Undermine the Right to Development: An analysis based on a women’s and human rights perspective

This publication provides an analysis of the position against against economic policy conditionalities based on a women's and human rights perspective.

Global Report on the Situation of Women Human Rights Defenders

The WHRD International Coalition has published the Global Report on the Situation of WHRDs to advance the recognition of WHRDs, the violence and violations of rights that they face, and the contexts that enable these violations.

2012 Assessment Report: Violence Against Women Human Rights Defenders in Mesoamerica

The Mesoamerican Registry of Attacks against WHRDs collects and analyzes data on attacks against WHRDs and their organizations in Mesoamerica.

Ten Insights to Strengthen Responses for Women Human Rights Defenders at Risk

The 10 insights presented in this publication provide the key considerations for strengthening responses for Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs) at risk by ensuring that they are strategic and properly resourced.

Recommendations to Enhance the Protection and Security of Women Human Rights Defenders

This set of recommendations seeks to address the need for an integrated concept of security that goes beyond just the physical protection of the individual. 

Our Right to Safety: Women Human Rights Defenders' Holistic Approach to Protection

This publication provides a reflection on the complex situations of women who face threats and violations as a result of their work defending human rights.

Violence Against Women Human Rights Defenders in Mesoamerica: An assessment in progress

This document builds on the key conclusions of a Mesoamerican in-depth diagnosis on violence against women human rights defenders in the region.

Towards a Future without Fundamentalisms

By presenting a cross-regional, cross-religion synthesis of religious fundamentalist strategies and feminist strategies, this report hopes to enable more effective resistance and challenge to fundamentalisms by women’s rights activists and their allies in other movements.

Shared Insights: Women’s rights activists define religious fundamentalisms

This publication presents how women’s rights activists from different parts of the world understand and experience the complex phenomenon of religious fundamentalisms.

New Insights on Religious Fundamentalisms: Research Highlights

This brief report presents the highlights of AWID’s research to date on women’s rights activists' understanding and experience of the global rise of religious fundamentalisms.