Special Focus

AWID is an international, feminist, membership organisation committed to achieving gender equality, sustainable development and women’s human rights

Women Human Rights Defenders

WHRDs are self-identified women and lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex (LBTQI) people and others who defend rights and are subject to gender-specific risks and threats due to their human rights work and/or as a direct consequence of their gender identity or sexual orientation.

WHRDs are subject to systematic violence and discrimination due to their identities and unyielding struggles for rights, equality and justice.

The WHRD Program collaborates with international and regional partners as well as the AWID membership to raise awareness about these risks and threats, advocate for feminist and holistic measures of protection and safety, and actively promote a culture of self-care and collective well being in our movements.

Risks and threats targeting WHRDs  

WHRDs are exposed to the same types of risks that all other defenders who defend human rights, communities, and the environment face. However, they are also exposed to gender-based violence and gender-specific risks because they challenge existing gender norms within their communities and societies.

By defending rights, WHRDs are at risk of:

  • Physical assault and death
  • Intimidation and harassment, including in online spaces
  • Judicial harassment and criminalization
  • Burnout

A collaborative, holistic approach to safety

We work collaboratively with international and regional networks and our membership

  • to raise awareness about human rights abuses and violations against WHRDs and the systemic violence and discrimination they experience
  • to strengthen protection mechanisms and ensure more effective and timely responses to WHRDs at risk

We work to promote a holistic approach to protection which includes:

  • emphasizing the importance of self-care and collective well being, and recognizing that what care and wellbeing mean may differ across cultures
  • documenting the violations targeting WHRDs using a feminist intersectional perspective;
  • promoting the social recognition and celebration of the work and resilience of WHRDs ; and
  • building civic spaces that are conducive to dismantling structural inequalities without restrictions or obstacles

Our Actions

We aim to contribute to a safer world for WHRDs, their families and communities. We believe that action for rights and justice should not put WHRDs at risk; it should be appreciated and celebrated.

  • Promoting collaboration and coordination among human rights and women’s rights organizations at the international level to  strengthen  responses concerning safety and wellbeing of WHRDs.

  • Supporting regional networks of WHRDs and their organizations, such as the Mesoamerican Initiative for WHRDs and the WHRD Middle East and North Africa  Coalition, in promoting and strengthening collective action for protection - emphasizing the establishment of solidarity and protection networks, the promotion of self-care, and advocacy and mobilization for the safety of WHRDs;

  • Increasing the visibility and recognition of  WHRDs and their struggles, as well as the risks that they encounter by documenting the attacks that they face, and researching, producing, and disseminating information on their struggles, strategies, and challenges:

  • Mobilizing urgent responses of international solidarity for WHRDs at risk through our international and regional networks, and our active membership.

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Snippet FEA Occupation’s kitchen Instagram (EN)

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Yellow square that says "As mulheres sustentam o cuidado" or Women sustain care in Portuguese.
Yellow square that says "O cuidado sustenta a vida" or "Care sustains life" in Portuguese.
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A yellow square that says "Nenhuma a menos" which translates to "Not another woman less"
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Women sustain Care | Care Sustains Life | Life Sustains Economy | Who takes care of women?  | Not one less1 | Together | Sunday lunch

1Nenhuna a menos literally translates as “not one woman less” or “ni una menos” in Spanish - a famous feminist slogan in Latin America that emerged in Argentina as a response to increasing gender-based violence.


This bibliography intends to contribute to the desire for learning and engagement identified by activists in the Middle East and North Africa region when reflecting on the aftermath of fast unfolding transitions in the region. Such transitions, while specific to the context of MENA, are not unique in their occurrences around the world. Experiences and practices of feminists from around the world engaged in similar, even if not identical, struggles towards the democratization of their countries with a gendered lens and a feminist politics constitute an important knowledge bank that activists can draw upon, learn from, and engage with. This resource mapping aims to fill the gap realized in various convenings and conversations of a lack of information sharing and knowledge bridging among feminists across the regions that experienced similar uprisings; particularly along south-south and east-south lines.

This publication represents a research mapping of key resources, publications and materials on transitions to democracy and women’s rights in different countries of the world that have undergone such processes, such as: Indonesia, Chile, South Africa, Nepal, Mexico, Argentina, Poland, Ukraine, as well as within the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). It provides bibliographic information and short summaries of resources which succinctly identify the contextual changes and challenges facing women in those particular transitional moments, as well as clearly delineates the ways in which women’s rights activists sought to confront those challenges and what lessons were learned.

We hope that this collection of ideas, research, analysis and experiences provides the kind of rich ingredients needed to create new recipes for confronting old and new challenges. By sharing these texts, our goal is to make links across borders, expand possibilities and knowledge, and invite debate, reflection, and inspiration for women’s rights organizations and activists in the MENA region. While every moment and space has its own unique flavor and history, highlighting connections to similar challenges and aspirations allows us all to bring things in conversation with one another, imagine a new vantage point into a problem, and increase our sense of belonging and purpose and thus our capacity to stay strong in the face of the seemingly impossible. It is the collective strength of a movement that gives it the power to create change. The goal with this publication is not that one specific text will necessarily help illuminate new solutions, but that the combined knowledge and analysis from a variety of sources will provide readers with an opportunity to expand their horizons and foster connections. In our small way, we hope to contribute to furthering the democratization of knowledge, and supporting women’s rights movements in the MENA to continue building an inclusive transition process that will result in advancements of social justice and gender equality.



¿Cuál es su línea de trabajo?
Illustration of a hand with a pencil writing on white paper

Derechos humanos y etnico-territoriales

Asegurar la defensa de los derechos humanos y los derechos de la Naturaleza a través de la construcción de alianzas con actores y organizaciones locales, nacionales, regionales y globales.

A person holding a plant in a pink pot in their hands

Desarrollo Sostenible

Garantizar que todas las actividades económicas, culturales y ambientales contribuyan al desarrollo sostenible, la seguridad alimentaria y la generación de ingresos, respetando la libre determinación y el autogobierno de las comunidades afrodescendientes.

Three women sitting next to each other

Educación y formación

Capacitar y empoderar mujeres para que defiendan sus derechos en diferentes espacios políticos, sociales y económicos.

¡Para obtener más información, puedes ver más aquí!

Administrative Office

For administrative purposes you can contact our office at:

  • +1 416 594 3773
  • 192 Spadina Avenue, Suite 300 | Toronto, ON,M5T 2C7 | Canada

Snippet FEA Metzineres (FR)


En vous promenant dans le quartier du Raval à Barcelone, vous croiserez peut-être Metzineres, une coopérative féministe par et pour les femmes et personnes trans et non-binaires qui consomment de la drogue.

Imaginez un endroit sans stigmatisation, où les femmes et personnes trans et non-binaires peuvent consommer des drogues en toute sécurité. Un lieu qui offre sécurité, soutien et accompagnement aux femmes et personnes trans et non-binaires dont les droits sont systématiquement bafoués par la guerre contre la drogue et qui subissent violence, stigmatisation et répression en conséquence.

Juste à l'extérieur de l'entrée, les passant·es et les visiteur·euses sont accueilli·e·s par un immense tableau noir où figurent des conseils, des astuces, des souhaits et des dessins de personnes qui consomment de la drogue. Il existe également un calendrier qui présente une série d'activités auto-organisées par la communauté Metzineres. Qu'il s'agisse d'ateliers coiffure et cosmétique, des émissions radio, des pièces de théâtre, de repas communs offerts à la communauté ou des cours d'autodéfense, il y a toujours quelque chose à faire!

La coopérative offre des sites de consommation sûrs ainsi que des services qui couvrent les besoins de base des gens. Il y a des lits, des casiers, des douches, des toilettes, des machines à laver et une petite terrasse extérieure où les gens peuvent se détendre ou jardiner.

Metzineres opère dans un cadre de réduction des méfaits, qui tente de réduire les conséquences négatives de la consommation de drogue. Mais la réduction des méfaits est bien plus qu'un ensemble de pratiques: c'est une politique ancrée dans la justice sociale, la dignité et les droits des personnes qui consomment des drogues.

Ideas sobre financiamiento

En esta página les ofrecemos ideas e inspiración para financiar su participación en el 14° Foro de AWID. 

Cuando planifiquen la actividad que les gustaría presentar en el Foro, por favor también tengan en cuenta cómo podrían financiar su participación. Los costos a tener en cuenta son: alojamiento, viaje, visa, inscripción al Foro, y otros.

Es importante señalar que este Foro tendrá muchos ‘espacios abiertos’ y momentos para que los distintos movimientos puedan intercambiar entre sí y aprender, pero menos sesiones formales. (Consulten la sección sobre “Cómo describir el Foro para movilizar recursos” debajo).

Trabajar con sus donantes actuales:

Antes que nada, hablen con sus donantes actuales. 

Asegúrense de hacerlo con anticipación. (Les recomendamos contactarlxs como máximo durante los primeros meses de 2020). Muchxs donantes que apoyan a organizaciones feministas han asignado recursos para que sus copartes puedan viajar al Foro. Otrxs podrían asignarles esos recursos cuando les renueven su apoyo o como parte de un fondo para viajes.

Si su organización/grupo tiene donantes, podrían contarles que quieren asistir al Foro AWID para aprender, vivenciar, compartir y contactarse con otrxs, aun si su actividad no resulta seleccionada para el programa final. Para poder apoyar su participación, lxs donantes tendrán que saber que ustedes quieren asistir al Foro cuanto antes (ya deben estar decidiendo cómo van a repartir sus fondos en 2020).

Buscar nuevos donantes:

Si no tienen donantes que les apoyen o lxs que tienen no pueden asignarles fondos para viajar al Foro, tal vez podrían buscar nuevos donantes. 

Los plazos y requisitos varían de un donante a otro, y los procesos para aprobar una donación pueden llevar meses. Si piensan solicitar fondos a un donante nuevo, por favor háganlo cuanto antes.

Inspiración creativa:

Desde siempre los movimientos feministas hemos desplegado nuestra creatividad para financiar nuestro activismo. A continuación encontrarán algunas ideas que podrían inspirarlxs para pensar formas alternativas de movilizar recursos:

  • Movilicen a su comunidad para que apoye su participación en el Foro: sumen pequeños aportes de su membresía y de otras personas organizando cenas, bailes, espectáculos, eventos o viajes guiados
  • Organicen círculos de donantes y utilicen el financiamiento comunitario a través de herramientas en línea como gofundmeindiegogoplumfund ou kickstarter (enlaces en inglés).
  • Otras fuentes de financiamiento local pueden ser donantes individuales o cuotas que paguen las personas de su asociación
  • También pueden aliarse estratégicamente con otros grupos comunitarios o que luchan por la justicia social y movilizar recursos juntxs.

Podrán encontrar más ideas en la serie de publicaciones de AWID sobre feministas que se autofinancian, que incluye ideas específicas para  movilizar fondos y participar en eventos

Fondo acceso:

AWID intenta hacer del Foro un evento verdaderamente global con participación de una variedad de movimientos, regiones y generaciones. Con este fin, movilizamos recursos para un Fondo Acceso (FA) limitado que asistirá a lxs participantes a cubrir los costos que implica asistir al Foro.

El Fondo Acceso de AWID podrá apoyar a un número limitado de participantes del Foro y personas que faciliten sesiones/actividades. Este apoyo no está garantizado y lxs alentamos a buscar formas alternativas de financiar su participación en el Foro, incluyendo sus gastos de viaje.

En su formulario de aplicación pueden indicar que les gustaría ser tenidxs en cuenta para el Fondo Acceso de AWID. Por favor tengan presente que estos recursos son muy limitados y que no vamos a poder apoyar a todxs. Aun si indican que les gustaría ser tenidxs en cuenta para el Fondo Acceso, les alentamos a continuar explorando otras opciones para financiar su participación en el Foro. A fines de junio de 2020 confirmaremos las decisiones acerca del Fondo Acceso. 

Cómo describir el Foro para movilizar recursos: 

A continuación encontrarán algunos mensajes simples que pueden utilizar cuando hablen con sus donantes o con personas de su comunidad. Por favor no duden en adaptarlos como les pueda resultar más útil.

El Foro AWID es un espacio que los movimientos feministas crean juntos y que permite a lxs participantes renovar energía para su activismo, fortaleciendo sus vínculos con muchos movimientos por los derechos y la justicia. Lxs participantes pueden encontrar allí esperanza, energía e imaginación radical, al mismo tiempo que profundizan análisis compartidos, aprenden y desarrollan la solidaridad entre movimientos que permite agendas más integradas y estrategias conjuntas.

Nuestra organización está buscando fondos para asistir al Foro y poder vincularnos con otrxs activistas y movimientos de todo el mundo, fortalecer nuestras estrategias y compartir el trabajo que hacemos. Nos inspira la experiencia de otrxs que han participado en el Foro y que describieron la fuerza de esta convocatoria feminista global:

“Durante cuatro días … las voces se entretejieron para articular una perspectiva global sobre el estado de la igualdad de género. Y cuando digo ‘global’ quiero decir por ejemplo que había traducción simultánea en siete idiomas…”

“Nos recordó que no estamos solas. El Foro nos permitió traducir lo colectivo a nuestros movimientos. Con diferencias en cuanto a ideologías, identidades o fronteras, nuestra fortaleza yace en nuestra visión y en cómo nos apoyamos unas a otras”.

Es importante señalar que este Foro tendrá muchos ‘espacios abiertos’ y momentos para que los movimientos puedan aprender e intercambiar entre sí, pero menos sesiones formales. Si bien muchxs participantes no podrán facilitar sesiones formales, para ellxs también será un espacio valioso en el que aprender, pensar estrategias y vivenciar el poder colectivo de los movimientos feministas en acción.

Qué tener en cuenta para el presupuesto: 

Para calcular los costos y saber cuánto dinero necesitarán recaudar, es importante que tengan en cuenta que su participación podrá requerir todos o algunos de los siguientes gastos:

  • Pasajes aéreos
  • Inscripción (por favor tengan en cuenta que aun si AWID lxs incluye en el Fondo Acceso ustedes tendrán que cubrir el pago de la inscripción)
  • Visas
  • Seguro de salud para viajerxs
  • Traslados hasta y desde el aeropuerto (en taxi u otro medio de transporte)
  • Si tienen que hacer una escala prolongada, tal vez necesiten calcular el costo de alojamiento y comidas
  • Alojamiento. Si viajan desde lejos hasta la sede del Foro, consideren la posibilidad de llegar un día antes para descansar y recuperarse.
  • Tecnología, incluyendo acceso a wifi o tarifas para comunicaciones internacionales durante el viaje (AWID proveerá acceso a wifi durante el Foro)
  • El costo de producir (y transportar) lo que quieran llevar, compartir o intercambiar en el Foro (informes, materiales artísticos o visuales)
  • Gastos imprevistos y/o viáticos para cubrir sus comidas (durante los días del Foro, AWID cubrirá los almuerzos, refrigerios y una de las cenas)
  • Accesibilidad: cualquier apoyo adicional que puedan necesitar y que sea importante para que puedan viajar más cómodxs y segurxs

¡Esperamos verlxs en el Foro!


El Foro es un proceso colaborativo

El 14o Foro de AWID tendrá lugar del 11 al 14 de enero de 2021 en Taipéi, Taiwán.

El Foro es más que una reunión de cuatro días. Es una estación en un recorrido más largo para fortalecer nuestros movimientos en torno a la noción de Realidades Feministas que ya ha comenzado y que continuará más allá de las fechas del Foro.

Únete al Viaje

Snippet FEA Get Involved 1 (EN)


Follow the work of these organizations on their social media accounts and websites:

Pourquoi l’AWID a-t-elle choisi de tenir le Forum à Taipei ?

Les recherches à distance et les consultations menées auprès de nos allié·e·s nous ont permis d’éliminer plusieurs options de la région.

Nous avons ensuite organisé une série complète de visites au Népal, en Malaisie, au Sri Lanka, en Thaïlande, en Indonésie et (plus tard) à Taïwan. Sur place, chaque visite comprenait non seulement un examen de l’infrastructure logistique, mais aussi des réunions avec des activistes et des groupes féministes locales·aux afin de mieux comprendre la situation et leur analyse des risques et opportunités potentielles quant à un Forum de l’AWID dans leur contexte.     

Durant nos visites sur place, nous avons rencontré de formidables mouvements féministes locaux, divers et dynamiques. 

Ils ont souvent exprimé des sentiments partagés entre risques et opportunités liées à la visibilité apportée par un événement comme le Forum. Durant l’une des réunions,  les activistes présent·e·s soulignèrent à l'unanimité, au cours des 30 premières minutes, que le Forum de l’AWID pouvait entraîner de nombreux contrecoups, que les droits LGBTQ étaient un sujet politique particulièrement sensible et que les groupes fondamentalistes chercheraient de toutes leurs forces à interrompre l’événement. Lorsque nous répliquâmes  « ok, donc vous ne pensez pas que ce soit une bonne idée », leur réponse également unanime  fut « bien sûr que si, nous voulons changer les récits !».

Il était difficile d’entendre et de voir dans certains endroits le nombre d’activistes féministes qui voulaient utiliser l’opportunité de visibilité d’un tel événement comme levier, prêt·e·s à faire face aux risques locaux ; mais l’accueil de près de 2000 personnes venues du monde entier nécessitait de prendre en compte d’autres calculs de risque et de faisabilité. 

Nous avons également débattu de questions sur ce qu’implique l’organisation d’un forum féministe en cohérence avec les principes d’inclusion, de réciprocité et d’autodétermination, là où les politiques et les pratiques étatiques vont généralement à leur encontre (même si les représentant·e·s des Ministères du Tourisme ont tenté  ardemment de concilier ce point). 

Nous avons pris en considération l’infrastructure au regard des opportunités éventuelles permettant d’insuffler un élan pour certaines priorités féministes nationales, ainsi que le contexte politique du pays.   

Dans beaucoup d’endroits, suivre le contexte donnait des impressions de balancier pouvant pencher vers l’ouverture et la sécurité des débats féministes à un moment donné, et vers la répression totale et la xénophobie l’instant d’après, sacrifiant les priorités féministes dans les négociations politiques cherchant à apaiser l’extrême droite ou les forces anti-droits.  

Ce processus a donné lieu à des réflexions sur le contexte extrêmement difficile pour l’activisme des droits des femmes et de la justice de genre au niveau mondial. 

Les défis de la région Asie-Pacifique nous ont amené à nous demander : ne serait-ce pas plus simple de tenir le Forum dans une autre région ? 

Pour autant, nous ne pourrions aujourd’hui organiser un Forum de l’AWID à Istanbul comme nous l’avions fait en 2012, ou au Brésil comme en 2016.  

Malgré toute cette complexité, l’AWID a finalement choisi Taipei comme lieu de Forum car :

  • La ville offre un certain degré de stabilité et de sécurité aux divers·e·s participant·e·s du Forum que nous voulons rassembler.
  • Elle dispose aussi de capacités logistiques importantes, en plus d’être accessible pour beaucoup de voyageurs·ses (avec une facilitation de procédure de visa électronique pour les conférences internationales). 
  • Le mouvement féministe sur place est accueillant vis-à-vis du Forum et désire s’engager avec des féministes du monde entier.

L’organisation du Forum de l’AWID implique pour nous la création et la disposition d’un espace qui s’ajuste au mieux à une diversité de formes d’expression de solidarité, d’indignation, d’espoir et d’inspiration. Celles-ci sont au cœur de nos mouvements féministes.

Actuellement, Taipei nous semble donc être l’emplacement de la région Asie-Pacifique qui nous permet au mieux de bâtir un espace sécurisé et désobéissant pour notre communauté féministe mondiale.

Le fait est qu’il n’existe pas d’emplacement idéal dans le monde actuel pour tenir un Forum qui se concentre sur les Réalités féministes. Peu importe où nous irons, nous devrons construire cet espace ensemble !


Snippet FEA EoS The Powerful (EN)

Illustration of a pink human in white underwear doing a power pose

The Powerful
Self-protection and strengthening

Freeing the Church, Decolonizing the Bible for West Papuan Women

By Rode Wanimbo (@rodwan986), Jayapura, Papua Province of Indonesia

“Lord, we are unworthy. We are the ones who committed sin for Eve ate the fruit in Eden. We are just women who grow sweet potatoes, look after pigs and give birth to children. We believe you died on the cross to set us free. Thank you, In Jesus’s name Amen.”

This is a typical prayer of women I have heard during my visits to ministries in several villages. Even I said the same prayer for many years.

I was born and grew up in Agamua, the Central Highlands of West Papua. My father belongs to the Lani tribe and my mother comes from Walak.

In Lani and Walak languages - languages spoken in the Central Highlands - tiru means a pillar. There are four tiru (pillars) standing firmly in the middle of the Lani roundhouse (honai), around wun’awe or a furnace. Tiru is always made of the strongest type of wood called a’pe (ironwood tree). The longer the wood gets heated and smoked from the fire in the honai, the stronger it becomes. Without tiru, the honai cannot stand firm. West Papuan women are these tiru.

West Papua is located in the western part of the New Guinea island, containing some of the world’s highest mountains, densest jungle, and richest mineral resources. It is home to over 250 groups and has an incredible biodiversity. Due to its natural wealth, West Papua has, over the centuries, been targeted by foreign occupiers. Until 1963, we were colonized by the Dutch. However in 1969, after a manipulative political act, we were transferred from the Dutch to Indonesia. 

The first German missionaries arrived in Mansinam Island, Manokwari, in 1855. Then, in the 1950s, Christianity was brought to the Central Highlands of West Papua by Protestant missionaries of European descent from America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.  

According to Scripture in Genesis 1: 26-27, Man and Woman are created in the image of God. It means all humanity is made with the call and capacity to exercise dominion. Radah, the Hebrew word for dominion, means stewardship. Radah is not a call to exercise imperial power as declared by Pope Nicolas V, granting Catholic nations the right to “discover” and claim dominion over non-Christian lands. To diminish the capacity of humans to exercise dominion, is to diminish the image of God on earth (Lisa Sharon Harper, The Very Good Gospel).

The Evangelical Church of Indonesia (GIDI) was established as an institution in 1963. In the Sunday Service liturgy of GIDI, Women are considered unworthy to take any responsibility except collecting offerings. In 2003, after 40 years, the Department of Women was introduced within the structure of the Synod leadership.

In November 2013, I was entrusted to be a chairperson of the Women’s Department of the GIDI Synod.

Together with several other women leaders, we started a cell group that is committed to “decolonizing the Bible.” We learn together how to reconstruct the interpretation of biblical texts to champion women.

A feminist theologian named Elisabeth S Florenza calls it a feminist hermeneutic theory (Josina Wospakrik, Biblical Interpretation and Marginalization of Woman in the Churches of West Papua).

Besides the cell group, we interview our elderly women to collect our ancestors’ wisdom and values. As Bernard Narakobi in his book The Melanesian Way said: “Our history did not begin with contact with the Western explorers. Our civilization did not start with the coming of the Christian missionaries. Because we have an ancient civilization. It is important for us to give proper dignity and place to our history”.

Yum is a knotted net or woven bag handmade from wood fiber or leaves. Yum is highly valued for it symbolizes life and hope. When women of Lani and Walak get married, our maternal aunts put yum on our heads. It means we bear the responsibility for giving life and for providing food. Yum is used to carry garden produce as well as being used as a container to put a baby to sleep in as it gives warmth and a sense of security.

“West Papuan Women are Yum and Tiru” became the prime references as we contextualized women in the eyes of Jesus Christ in seminar and focus group discussions. From 2013 to 2018, we focused on reconstructing the view of women in GIDI and in gaining a healthy self-image. We are still in the process of understanding who we are to Jesus, rather than who we have been told we are by theologians and the fathers of the early Churches. Josina Wospakrik, a West Papuan Theologian said “The Gospel is incredibly rich but it was impoverished due to human ambitions and agendas.”

Since 2018, the GIDI Women Leadership team and I have formulated four priority programs: Decolonizing the Bible, Storytelling in a circle, Training of trainers for Literacy and Gender. The fourth, supported simple bookkeeping and savings groups workshops facilitated by Yapelin and Yasumat, which are faith based organizations established by GIDI leaders to reach the economic, social and health needs of women in the communities.

Storytelling in a Circle

In this programme we create a safe space for women to talk - each woman has a story. We all sit together and learn how to be good listeners.

“I became Christian and was taught that the government is God’s representative. Why did the government do nothing when the army burnt down my village and killed my relatives?” asked one woman in the storytelling circle. “My aunt was raped.” She stopped for a while. Could not talk. She cried. We all did. 

The process of storytelling has driven us into deep conversation. We began to contextualize Biblical texts within our daily realities.

We started asking questions amongst ourselves: Where is God in our toughest times? Does the state government truly represent God on earth? Why does the Creator allow privileged people to destroy His own image in the name of Christianity and Development? During the process, I realized that I have been reading the Bible using somebody else’s glasses.

The church has to be a safe place to share stories and be a place of comfort to be still and rest. As we reflect on the testimonies, those who tell their stories begin the process of recovering from wounds and trauma.

Financial Literacy for Women

 Culturally, West Papuans invest in relationships. The concept of saving is understood as an investment in relations, not in a bank account. And while the Indonesian central government has granted special autonomy to respond to West Papuans’ demand for self-determination, many government policies harm the quality of family life and they do not account for women’s lives. High illiteracy rates amongst women mean most women do not have access to a bank account. With no money saved, access to medical services becomes a struggle. 

Through the priority programmes, Yapelin, with the active involvement and support of women, created saving groups in Bokondini and Jayapura. The saving groups are chaired by women who have access to a bank. 

In coordination with Yayasan Bethany Indonesia (YBI) and Yayasan Suluh, a faith-based organization (FBO) based in Jayapura, we facilitated four literacy workshops. The literacy team facilitated the training of trainers in three different dioceses: Merauke, Sentani, and Benawa. We now have 30 facilitators in different congregations who run literacy programs.

Lack of financial support for our programs will not stop us. Being stigmatized as rebels will not stop us from standing up and speaking in church evaluation meetings and conferences. It is stressful but I am committed together with several women leaders to calling on the power-holders within to free the church.

The Gospel known as Good News should become news that liberates women from a very patriarchal circle of power, liberates women from social stigma and returns women to the original purpose of The Creator.

The Gospel must be a mirror to reflect who we are collectively. As Lisa Sharon Harper, in her book The Very Good Gospel said “The Gospel is not only about an individual’s reconciliation with God, self and communities. But also speaks on systemic justice, peace between people groups and freedom for the oppressed”. 


Rode Wanimbo is the chairperson of the Women’s Department of Evangelical Church of Indonesia (GIDI).

“Offerings for Black Life”

By Sokari Ekine (@blacklooks), New Orleans

Coming from a place of healing and self-care is a political act that guides us to be focused and to move as one. In New Orleans, we created and will be creating altars in honour of those murdered by police and white supremacists vigilantes!

Sokari Ekine (@blacklooks)
Sokari Ekine (@blacklooks)


< Anatomy of a Survivor's Story

My Queer Ramadan >