UN Special Procedures must Take Concrete Measures to Ensure Civil Society Participation and Engagement with their Mandates

This joint statement was delivered by the Sexual Rights initiative on 16 June 2023, on behalf of the #EmptyChairs Campaign and 15 organizations, during the Annual Civil Society Meeting with Special Procedures.

Não há lugar para agendas anti-trans na ONU

Rejeitamos a cooptação do marco dos direitos humanos, particularmente a noção defendida pela Relatora Especial de que o cumprimento dos direitos das mulheres trans, por um lado, e das mulheres cis, por outro, é ou pode ser conflituoso e incompatível.

A call from Myanmar – a recall of Tunisia

On refinding your optimism as a revolutionary feminist

My name is Lola.
I am a feminist. 
I have never been to Myanmar.

This vacancy is no longer online

Seems like you found a link to a vacancy past its deadline. 

Are you job hunting? Check out the Jobs Board on AWID Community, our feminist social network for AWID Members. 

Laughing in the Face of Corporate Capture: a Feminist Perspective

We asked a few feminist humorists about their opinion on corporate capture, and this is what they told us.

A feminist analysis of HRC56: Resisting protectionism and colonialism, upholding civic space

Commonly known as ‘the session of the year that focuses on gender’, the four week long session of the HRC from 18 June was not so different from other years.

Feminist Reflections from HRC53: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities

As we reflect on its recently-concluded 53rd session taking place in June and July 2023, we revisit some of the details to better understand how states and anti-rights organizations seek to avoid scrutiny for human rights violations and undermine the system as a whole.

Voices of Feminists, Women’s Rights, LGBTIQ+ and Trans-led Movements Must be at the Center of the Special Procedures Mechanism.

This statement was delivered by AWID on behalf of 9 civil society organizations, during the Annual Civil Society Meeting with Special Procedures on Friday 16 June 2023.

States Cannot Uphold Bodily Autonomy without Radical Transformation of the International Economic Order and Transformative Reparations

This joint statement was delivered by Action Canada for Population and Development on 21 June 2023, during the Interactive Dialogue with the Working Group on discrimination against women and girls at the 53rd session of the Human Rights Council.

Feminists Demand States and the UN Uphold the Right to Bodily Autonomy for All

This joint statement was delivered by Action Canada for Population and Development on 30 June 2023, during the annual full-day discussion on the human rights of women’s panel on gender-based violence against women and girls in public and political life at the 53rd session of the Human Rights Council.