Mariel Araya

Petite Jasmine

Marie-Lise Semblat-Frere

What happened at the 38th session of the Human Rights Council?

Highlights and interviews from the 38th session of the Human Rights Council


Masks on, walk off!

Ava Caradonna is an organizer with Radio AvA. This article reflects her personal views and experience, not that of the collective or the X:talk project 

Against bleak ghosts of familiar urban landscape and CCTV cameras labelled “for your protection” the news on the radio skits between weather forecast, rationing, raids, a special public appearance by the queen, politicians promising increased production and London quarantine zones to be avoided “for reasons of health and safety”.

- Impressions from V for Vendetta, 1982

From National to Global Agenda and Why We Should Be There at All Levels

I first heard about Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) at the age of 19. To be honest, at that time for me it was nothing but nice pictures (as each goal had its own symbol) with nice slogans — just a wish list.  I got to familiarize myself with the concept of accountability and how governments should be accountable to international community but more importantly, towards their own people. Gradually, I started to understand what it was all about, that if it works that means me, my family, my relatives, my friends, just people around me should live better.


When a Small Bunch of Young Women Envision Peace

We are a small bunch. We are a group of young women from Bosnia and Herzegovina. We gathered around a Peace Academy Project, organized by Kvinna till Kvinna, to undergo a training in peace, conflict transformation, and the role of women. 


18 feminist recommendations: How can the Spotlight Initiative end gender-based violence?

In September 2017, the European Union and United Nations announced the Spotlight Initiative, the largest single investment toward ending gender-based violence in the world.

How to spend EUR 500 million: women's rights groups on European UN grant

We welcome this week’s announcement of a EUR 500 million commitment for work to end violence against women and girls. But there are important caveats.

Gender transitions: A personal story

Tangarr Forgart is a Trans activist who works with 'Lavendar Menace' in the Ukraine.