Special Focus

AWID is an international, feminist, membership organisation committed to achieving gender equality, sustainable development and women’s human rights

Confronting Extractivism & Corporate Power

Women human rights defenders (WHRDs) worldwide defend their lands, livelihoods and communities from extractive industries and corporate power. They stand against powerful economic and political interests driving land theft, displacement of communities, loss of livelihoods, and environmental degradation.

Why resist extractive industries?

Extractivism is an economic and political model of development that commodifies nature and prioritizes profit over human rights and the environment. Rooted in colonial history, it reinforces social and economic inequalities locally and globally. Often, Black, rural and Indigenous women are the most affected by extractivism, and are largely excluded from decision-making. Defying these patriarchal and neo-colonial forces, women rise in defense of rights, lands, people and nature.

Critical risks and gender-specific violence

WHRDs confronting extractive industries experience a range of risks, threats and violations, including criminalization, stigmatization, violence and intimidation.  Their stories reveal a strong aspect of gendered and sexualized violence. Perpetrators include state and local authorities, corporations, police, military, paramilitary and private security forces, and at times their own communities.

Acting together

AWID and the Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition (WHRD-IC) are pleased to announce “Women Human Rights Defenders Confronting Extractivism and Corporate Power”; a cross-regional research project documenting the lived experiences of WHRDs from Asia, Africa and Latin America.

We encourage activists, members of social movements, organized civil society, donors and policy makers to read and use these products for advocacy, education and inspiration.

Share your experience and questions!

Tell us how you are using the resources on WHRDs Confronting extractivism and corporate power.

◾️ How can these resources support your activism and advocacy?

◾️ What additional information or knowledge do you need to make the best use of these resources?

Share your feedback

Thank you!

AWID acknowledges with gratitude the invaluable input of every Woman Human Rights Defender who participated in this project. This project was made possible thanks to your willingness to generously and openly share your experiences and learnings. Your courage, creativity and resilience is an inspiration for us all. Thank you!

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¿Qué significa un Foro de AWID para las personas que estuvieron ahí? ¿Qué es esta magia que sucede cuando feministas de todo el mundo se reúnen para celebrar, elaborar estrategias, aprender y compartir la alegría?

AWID habló con más de cuarenta participantes del Foro para oír sus historias de las transformaciones que experimentaron ellxs mismxs como activistas, y que también cambiaron a sus organizaciones y a los movimientos a los que pertenecen. También aprendimos sobre qué cosas deberíamos mantener y desarrollar para que un Foro de AWID sea diferente, y de qué manera podemos mejorar.

Este informe contiene aprendizajes y consejos invaluables para cualquier persona que quiera organizar encuentros presenciales regionales y temáticos, y para nosotrxs en nuestro trabajo de planificación del 15° Foro Internacional de AWID.

¡Desliza para que descubras más!

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María Verónica Reina

María era reconocida internacionalmente por su extraordinario liderazgo dentro de la comunidad de personas con discapacidad.

Representó al Consorcio Internacional sobre Discapacidad y Desarrollo (IDDC por su sigla en inglés) durante la negociación de la Convención sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad (2001-2006). Su trabajo estaba dedicado a la implementación del objetivo de la Convención: el goce pleno de los derechos humanos universales por, para y con las personas con discapacidades, en pos de un mundo inclusivo, accesible y sostenible.

En sus propias palabras, su liderazgo consistía en «servir a la comunidad de personas con discapacidad, comenzando por aquellas pequeñas tareas que otrxs pueden no querer realizar». 

Falleció el 27 de octubre de 2017 en su ciudad natal de Rosario, Argentina.

En esta nota puede leerse más sobre María Verónica Reina, en sus propias palabras.



María Verónica Reina, Argentina

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Notre tout premier programme du Club de cinéma féministe est désormais accessible : « La tendresse est la plus tranchante des résistances » fait référence à une série de films sur les réalités féministes d’Asie et du Pacifique, sélectionnés par Jess X Snow.


2019: Feminist Realities in a changing world

AWID began preparing this annual report just as the global pandemic began to unravel how we gather, organize and live our lives. It is impossible to review what we have done without COVID-19 tinting our assessment. 

Download the full 2019 Annual review

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Co-Creating Feminist Realities is no longer just an AWID Forum theme - it is a rallying cry in response to a pandemic that has laid bare the failures of social, political and economic systems.

It is an urgently needed affirmation that there are other, more just ways of organizing our lives. During 2019 hundreds of groups shared their experiences and proposals for feminist realities with us, ranging from radical networks of community support in Latin America facilitating self-managed abortion, to practices of community-centered economies in Indonesia and community-centered food systems in India and the US, to a  re-imagination and new practice of harm-free rites of passage in Sierra Leone. These are the experiences that will chart a path forward for a “new normal”. 
Yet long histories of oppression and violence can make it difficult to imagine the possible. A key part of our work in 2019 was to spark these explorations through a toolkit AWID launched to support groups interested in unearthing the stories and aspirations that are the building blocks of feminist propositions.

While we focus on our proposals for a different world, we recognize the challenging context around us.

Through the Observatory on the Universality of Rights, Feminists for a Binding Treaty, Count Me In! and other alliances, AWID has continued to push back against unfettered corporate power and fascist and fundamentalist agendas that undermine women’s rights and gender justice. With dim prospects for transformative change through multilateral processes  and limited responsiveness from most states, we are redoubling our efforts  to ensure that feminist movements, in all their diversity, are resourced in ways that match the critical roles they play - supporting their communities, demanding rights and responding to crises. In 2019 we introduced feminist principles and approaches to ground-breaking funds like the Spotlight Initiative and the Equality Fund, and succeeded in leveraging resources through feminist reality seed grant funding from feminist funders.

As we look ahead, it is clear that the context is calling for a transformation of our organizing strategies:

  • we are learning to navigate global advocacy confined to online channels,
  • we grapple with the uncertainty of when and how we can convene in person, and
  • we use the tools at our disposal to tighten connections across local to global spheres.

AWID is embarking on a new membership model that lowers barriers to access and emphasizes opportunities for engagement and cross-member connection. We will continue to experiment with different online tools and processes for building community. Cross-movement engagement will stay at the center of our work. AWID’s actions in solidarity with oppressed movements and identities, even and especially where these are marginalized in feminist movements, are important to drive change and support broad and inclusive movements for all.

Crisis is not new to feminist and social movements.

We are resilient, we adapt, and we show up for each other. And we have to keep doing better. Thank you to all who are part of the journey with us.

Download the full 2019 Annual review

Download the full 2019 Annual review

Asma Jahangir

Asma était une militante pakistanaise des droits humains, une critique courageuse de l'ingérence de l'armée dans la politique et une défenseure acharnée de la primauté du droit.

Elle a été la présidente fondatrice de la Commission des droits de l'homme du Pakistan, un groupe indépendant ainsi qu’administratrice de l'International Crisis Group. Elle a remporté des prix internationaux et a été rapporteuse des Nations Unies sur les droits de l'homme et les exécutions extrajudiciaires.

Ses collègues et ami-e-s de l’AWID se souviennent d'elle avec affection

« Grâce à sa vie, Asma a réécrit l'histoire que beaucoup d'entre nous ont racontée en tant que femmes. Asma a changé le monde. Elle l'a changé au Pakistan et elle l'a changé dans notre imaginaire. »



Asma Jahangir, Pakistan

Snippet Discover Forum Stories (ES)

This image is in the cover of the Forum Stories report. It shows 4 overlapping speech bubles, yellow, pink, purple and turquoise. Each contains the illustration of one or two people in conversation.

Los movimientos feministas han cambiado y se han adaptado enormemente desde la última vez que nos reunimos de esta manera - así que para recordar por qué son importantes los Foros de AWID, pedimos a activistas de todo el mundo que reflexionaran y compartieran sus historias, impresiones y recuerdos. Esto es lo que aprendimos.

Descubre las historias del foro 

Film club - intro

As part of AWID’s Feminist Realities journey, we invite you to explore our newly launched Feminist Film Club: a collection of short and feature films selected by feminist curators and storytellers from around the world, including Jess X. Snow (Asia/Pacific), Gabrielle Tesfaye (Africa/African Diaspora), and Esra Ozban (South West Asia, North Africa). Alejandra Laprea is curating the Latin & Central American program, which we’ll launch in September during AWID’s Crear, Résister, Transform: A Festival for Feminist Movements. In the meantime, look out for announcements on special films screenings and conversations with filmmakers!

Demo article

Deborah Holmes

At the time of her death, following a short but aggressive battle with cancer, Deborah was the Chief Communication and Engagement Officer at the Women’s Funding Network (WFN). 

Deborah also worked for the Global Fund for Women from 2008 to  2017. Deborah was extremely loved and respected by board, staff, and partners of Global Fund for Women.

Kavita Ramdas, former CEO of the Global Fund for Women aptly noted that Deborah was “a small package exploding with warmth, generosity, intelligence, style, and a passionate commitment to fusing beauty with justice. She understood the power of story. The power of women’s voice. The power of lived experience. The power of rising from the ashes and telling others it was possible. And, still we rise.”

Musimbi Kanyoro, the present CEO of the Global Fund for Women, added, “We have lost a sister and her life illuminates values that unite and inspire us all. As we all come together to mourn Deborah’s passing, let us remember and celebrate her remarkable, bold, and passionate life.”



Deborah Holmes, USA

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Nous surveillons attentivement ce risque parmi d'autres, et nous publierons des informations détaillées concernant la santé et la sécurité dès l'ouverture des inscriptions afin que vous puissiez prendre une décision en toute connaissance de cause. En outre, le format hybride est conçu de façon à offrir une expérience de participation significative aux personnes qui préféreront ne pas voyager ou qui ne sont pas en mesure de le faire.

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Salome Chagelishvili


Salome is a feminist activist from Tbilisi, Georgia, devoted to social and gender justice. She holds a Master's degree in gender studies, and has been engaged in feminist, queer and green movements for over twelve years, working amongst others on issues of gender based violence, domestic violence, sexual and reproductive health and rights, LGBTIQ rights, [women’s] Labor Rights, Healing Justice and holistic and digital security and rights.

Since 2014 she has been actively working on safety and security issues of activists and Women Human Rights Defenders, providing integrated security and digital security workshops specifically for activists from under-privileged groups (queer persons, ethnic and religious minorities, rural women and girls, etc) as well as bigger feminist organisations. Salome is a member of the Independent Group of Feminists - a non-formal, non-hierarchical and non-registered initiative that unites feminists with diverse backgrounds in Georgia. Currently, she is the Executive Director of the Women's Fund in Georgia, fully engaged in women's/feminist movement building, providing feminist funding, and encouraging local feminist philanthropy.

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Carmen Griffiths

Carmen encabezaba el Construction Resource and Development Collective (CRDC, Colectivo de recursos para la construcción y el desarrollo) y fue fundamental para apoyar la participación de las mujeres en la industria de la construcción en Jamaica.

También trabajó con mujeres rurales y urbanas en temas relacionados a la preparación para afrontar desastres naturales. Trabajó de manera cercana con mujeres (especialmente madres solteras) enseñándoles cómo usar los cinturones para huracanes y otras tecnologías para poner sus hogares a resguardo. Trabajó en el área de agua y obras sanitarias y fue una fuerte defensora del manejo y desarrollo ambientalmente sustentable.

Fue parte de la Comisión Huairou y realizó incidencia en favor de las mujeres de base en temas vinculados a refugio, energía y medios de vida sustentables.


Carmen Griffiths, Jamaica