Read as Forum Program Coordinator, Amina Doherty sits down with Carol Rossetti, the artist who made the 12 activist portraits. Learn more about her and her work.

Amina Doherty: Tell me about yourself and the work you’ve been doing with AWID
Carol Rossetti: I’m from Belo Horizonte - Brazil. I am a graphic designer and illustrator and I work with personal projects, commissions and design at my studio Café com chocolate Design.
I was invited to work with AWID by illustrating inspiring women from many different places. This is basically what I love doing: illustrating and bringing visibility to women’s rights issues.
AD: Tell me about the context where you live and where you do your work
CR: My country (Brazil) is in a very interesting moment. Fundamentalist Christian politicians are gaining more power in the Congress, with many being allied to right-wing parties. It is a delicate situation that endangers the country’s secularity.
There is also the terrible issue of violence against Afro-Brazilian religions – towards both the practices and practitioners. This intolerance is being fuelled predominantly by fundamentalist Christians across the country. The consequences include people being physically, emotionally and psychologically hospitalized and having their private properties damaged. I definitely think that this is something we need to start talking about more.
AD: What have you most enjoyed as a result of this project with AWID?
CR: Well, I’m getting to know amazing women who will be celebrated in the event. I think it will be an amazing event.
AD: What comes to mind when you hear the term ‘Feminist Futures’?
CR: I strongly believe in equality and in the power of dialogue, information and representation. The more we talk about the issues facing us, the more we spread the word, the more people will choose to get involved in these issues.
I think in our own small ways we are making strides - even though it does seem too slow sometimes.
AD: How can we learn more about your work?
CR: You can find my work on my website: and through my social media spaces: and

The exhibit “Feminist Futures Without Fundamentalisms” was displayed at the AWID Forum 2016 in Costa do Sauípe, Bahia, Brazil 8-11 September. AWID extends thanks to Akanksha Mehta for her photography which was used as the basis for some of these portraits.