Queer visual activism in South Africa

Sandisiwe comes from a lineage of Black queer South African artists, who have documented the joy, pain, and beauty of their communities. In a national context where they face femicides and the targeted rape of lesbians, self-exploration is tantamount to resistance. Here, Sandisiwe describes her foray into visual activism, her aspirations, and ongoing book project.

"This is a war": Inside the global "pro-family" movement against abortion and LGBT rights

At a recent summit in Budapest, anti-abortion celebrities and anti-gay rights activists gathered with their political allies waging a ‘spiritual war’ for the ‘traditional family.’

Fiction as a powerful way to talk about abortion

The book Código Rosa. Relatos sobre abortos [Pink Code. Narratives about abortions] is a collective creation emerging out of testimonies from women who’d had medical abortions and who had been accompanied in that decision by the Colectiva. AWID spoke to  Dahiana Belfiori, feminist activist, member of the Pink Relief Network and author of the book.

US may go cheek by jowl with women’s rights abusers at UN gender talks

Donald Trump’s ‘global gag rule’ could align US with Iran, Sudan, Syria and other countries targeted by US travel ban at Commission on the Status of Women.

Feminist Standpoints on the Global Gag Rule

In the wake of the ‘Global Gag Rule’ (GGR)’s reinstatement, we asked women’s rights and feminist organisations around the world what this means for their work with women and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), and how the news of the GGR and the Dutch fund will affect women in their regions.

Khwezi showed how to challenge rape culture – the rest is up to us

The death of Fezekile ‘Khwezi’ Kuzwayo, the woman who accused Jacob Zuma of rape, must not extinguish the powerful principles for which she stood.

15 Resources for Activism for Safe and Legal Abortion

Today, we come together to declare that our bodies, health, and choices are our own, and cannot be held back by oppressive fundamentalisms and discourses that seek to lay claim to us.

Against the ARENA Proposal for longer abortion-related criminal sentences in El Salvador

Civil society and women human rights defender organizations worldwide strongly condemn the proposal of the ARENA party to reform the Penal Code in El Salvador.

Telling women to avoid pregnancy is not a solution for HIV and the Zika virus

To the development community on International Day of Action for Women’s Health: don’t curtail our rights by legitimising conservative religious ideologies.

Smear Campaign Against Woman Human Rights Defenders in El Salvador

AWID spoke with Alejandra Burgos and Morena Herrera about the new wave of slander attacks that their organizations have been receiving from religious fundamentalist groups in El Salvador.