Special Focus

AWID is an international, feminist, membership organisation committed to achieving gender equality, sustainable development and women’s human rights

Young Feminist Activism

Organizing creatively, facing an increasing threat

Young feminist activists play a critical role in women’s rights organizations and movements worldwide by bringing up new issues that feminists face today. Their strength, creativity and adaptability are vital to the sustainability of feminist organizing.

At the same time, they face specific impediments to their activism such as limited access to funding and support, lack of capacity-building opportunities, and a significant increase of attacks on young women human rights defenders. This creates a lack of visibility that makes more difficult their inclusion and effective participation within women’s rights movements.

A multigenerational approach

AWID’s young feminist activism program was created to make sure the voices of young women are heard and reflected in feminist discourse. We want to ensure that young feminists have better access to funding, capacity-building opportunities and international processes. In addition to supporting young feminists directly, we are also working with women’s rights activists of all ages on practical models and strategies for effective multigenerational organizing.

Our Actions

We want young feminist activists to play a role in decision-making affecting their rights by:

  • Fostering community and sharing information through the Young Feminist Wire. Recognizing the importance of online media for the work of young feminists, our team launched the Young Feminist Wire in May 2010 to share information, build capacity through online webinars and e-discussions, and encourage community building.

  • Researching and building knowledge on young feminist activism, to increase the visibility and impact of young feminist activism within and across women’s rights movements and other key actors such as donors.

  • Promoting more effective multigenerational organizing, exploring better ways to work together.

  • Supporting young feminists to engage in global development processes such as those within the United Nations

  • Collaboration across all of AWID’s priority areas, including the Forum, to ensure young feminists’ key contributions, perspectives, needs and activism are reflected in debates, policies and programs affecting them.

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Snippet FEA Sabrina Sanchez Bio (FR)

Nous vous présentons Sabrina Sanchez, incroyable femme trans, migrante, travailleuse du sexe, organisatrice, transféministe et l'une des fondatrices du syndicat OTRAS.

Originaire de Mexico, elle a émigré en Espagne il y a 17 ans après avoir obtenu son diplôme en communication et a commencé à travailler comme travailleuse du sexe.

Il ne fallut pas longtemps avant qu'elle ne s'implique dans l'activisme trans et l'activisme des travailleur·euses du sexe à Barcelone. Après avoir rejoint l'Association des Professionnel·les du Sexe (Asociación de Profesionales del Sexo, Aprosex), elle a commencé à travailler dans son secrétariat et a fondé le syndicat espagnol des travailleur·euses du sexe OTRAS.

Elle vit actuellement à Amsterdam, où elle travaille comme coordinatrice de l'Alliance Européenne des Travailleur·euses du Sexe.

Fait divers: elle est aussi mécanicienne automobile et adepte de la course à pied!

January 2015: 1st drafting session on the outcome document for the 3rd FfD Conference

The 1st drafting session on the outcome document for the 3rd Financing for Development Conference

  • In January 2015 a series of drafting sessions towards the final outcome document started at UN headquarters in New York.
  • Prior to the first drafting session the co-facilitators of the Addis conference preparatory process presented an elements paper for the so-called “zero-draft” outcome document, as the basis for the intergovernmental negotiations of the outcome document.
  • During the sessions, women’s rights organisations emphasised the need to treat the FfD and means of implementations (MOI) under the post 2015 processes separately, because FfD provides a unique opportunity for states to address the structural causes of inequality

Forum Theme (Forum page)

Thème du Forum

Le thème du 14e Forum international de l'AWID est «Réalités féministes : notre pouvoir en action».

Ce Forum célébrera et amplifiera les propositions audacieuses autour de nous, à tous les stades de déveoppement ! 

En savoir plus

Our neighbourhood, our network, our strength

by Marta Plaza Fernández, Madrid, Spain (@gacela1980)

The feminist reality that I want to share is about weaving networks in which we uphold one another. Networks which come together in different ways, which emerge from our shared vulnerability, and which make all of us stronger.


The streets of Chamberí, my neighbourhood in Madrid, became much more of a home following the gatherings in the plazas organized by the citizens movement that originated in a rally on May 15, 2011. I think about how, during those years, we met each other and were able to associate faces, voices, smiles with so many neighbours who previously were only silhouettes without names or pasts, and who we passed by without seeing or hearing each other. I think about how we’ve become involved and dedicated; how we’ve woven a palpable, tangible community; how we’ve been advancing hand in hand towards building a new more inhabitable world, which we want and that we urgently need to create.

A group of activists and utopian neighbours, (in the best sense of the word utopian) – that moves us to action to do something real – that group for me was practically the first that reacted differently when I shared a part of my history and identity with them. With these women I shared my psychiatric diagnosis, my multiple hospital stays, the number of daily pills that accompanied me, my disability certificate, my difficulty in preserving that vital link that periodically disintegrates in my hands.

These neighbours, friends, comrades, links, loves –did not only not distance themselves from me once they got to know someone who many others had labelled as problematic, manipulator, egotistical – but became my principal network of affection and mutual support. They decided to navigate with me when the sea became agitated with storms. These people have given a different meaning to my days.

Building our feminist reality also encompasses carrying the “I believe you, sister” that we use when a friend has suffered a macho attack to the violence experienced by psychiatrized women at the hands of the very psychiatric system and institutions that are supposed to help us (and instead are often the new abuser who traumatizes and hurts us all over again). And this reality must include respect for our decisions, without taking away our agency and capacity to direct our own steps to one space or another; to listen to our narratives, desires, needs…without trying to impose others that are alien to us. It means not delegitimizing our discourse, not alluding to the label of our diagnosis, nor our madness.

With these transformation, each stay in the psychiatric institute did erase the ties that we had been able to build, but instead this network stayed by my side, its members took turns so that each day there would be no lull in calls, in visits, so that I could feel them as close as one can feel another person separated by locked doors (but unfortunately open for abuse) within the confines of the psychiatric ward. Through the warmth and kindness from my people I could rebuild that vital link that had once again been broken.

The even bigger leap happened when I was already aware of the numerous violent acts and abuse (where among other assaults, I spent days strapped to a bed, relieving myself where I lay),  I decided that I would not go back to being interned.

This network of care, these women neighbours-friends-loves-comrades, they respected my refusal to return to the hospital and supported me through each crisis I’ve been through since then. Without being interned, without violence.

They took turns accompanying me when my link to life was so broken that I felt such a huge risk which I couldn’t handle on my own. They organized WhatsApp group check-ins. They coordinated care and responsibilities so that no one would feel overwhelmed - because when an individual feels overloaded, they make decisions based on fear and the need for control instead of prioritizing accompaniment and care.

That first crisis that we were able to surmount together in this way – without being admitted to the psychiatric institute, represented a dramatic change in my life. There were months when my life was at risk, of intense suffering and of so much fear for my people and for me. But we overcame it together, and all that I thought was that if we could get over that crisis, then we could also find ways to face all the difficulties and crises that may come.

These feminist realities that we’re building day by day keep expanding, growing and taking different forms. We’re learning together, we’re growing together. Distancing ourselves from a welfare mentality, one of the first lessons was that, in reality, there wouldn’t be anyone receiving care (because of a psychiatric label) or anyone helping, from the other side of the sanity/insanity line. We learnt – we’re learning – to move to a different key – that of mutual support, of providing care and being cared for, of caring for each other.

We’ve also explored the limits of self care and the strength of collectivizing care and redistributing it so it’s not a burden that paralyzes us; we learnt – and we keep learning today – about joy and enjoying care that is chosen.

Another recent learning is about how difficult it was to start integrating money as another component of mutual support that we all give and receive. It was hard for us to realize how internalized capitalism kept on reverberating in our relationship with money, and that even though no one expected any payment for the containers of lentils we cooked amongst us when eating and cooking were difficult tasks, our expectation regarding money was different. Phrases like “how much you have is how much you’re worth” become stuck inside of us without critically analyzing them. It’s easy to keep thinking that the money each one has is related to the effort made to earn it, and not due to other social conditioning distant from personal merit. In fact, within this well-established mutual support network – redistributing money based on needs without questioning – was still a remote reality for our day to day. That’s why this is something that we’ve recently started to work on and think through as a group.

We want to get closer to that anti-capitalist world where mutual support is the way that we have chosen to be in the world; and that entails deconstructing our personal and collective relationship with money and internalized capitalism.

In these feminist realities we also know that learning never stops, and that the road continues to be shaped as we travel upon it. There is still much to do to keep caring for ourselves, to keep expanding perspectives and to make ourselves more aware of the persistent power imbalances, of privileges that we hold and continue to exercise, without realizing the violence that they reproduce.

Though we’ve already travelled so far, we still have a long way to go to get closer to that new world that we hold in our hearts (and for some within our crazy little heads too). Racism, classism, adult-centrism, fat-phobia, and machismo that persists among our partners.

Among the pending lessons, we’ve needed for a long time already to build a liveable future in which feminism is really intersectional and in which we all have space, in which the realities and oppressions of other sisters are just as important as our own. We also need to move forward horizontally when we build collectively – getting rid of egos, of protagonisms, to live together and deal with the need for recognition in a different way. And to also keep making strides grounded in the awareness that the personal is always, always political.

How we relate to and link with each other cannot be relegated to the private domain, nor kept silent: other loves are possible, other connections and other families are necessary, and we are also inventing them as we go.

This new world which we want to create, and that we need to believe in – is this kind world – in which we can love, and feel pride in ourselves – and in which all worlds will fit. We’ll keep at it.


“Healing Together”

by Upasana Agarwal, Kolkata, India (@upasana_a)

Looking at activists and feminists as healers and nourishers of the world, in the midst of battling growing right wing presence, white supremacy and climate change. This piece highlights how our feminist reality puts kindness, solidarity, and empathy into action by showing up and challenging the status quo to liberate us all. 

Upasana Agarwal (@upasana_a)


Barin Kobane

Barin était membre de l’unité de combat exclusivement féminine des Unités de protection du peuple kurde (YPG).

Elle a été tuée alors qu’elle était en service actif.

La journaliste libanaise Hifaa Zuaiter a écrit : « Barin représente tout ce que nous avons entendu à propos du courage des femmes kurdes et sa mort représente bien plus que le meurtre d’un-e rival-e ou une perte résultant d’une lutte politique ou ethnique. L’exhibition monstrueuse de sa dépouille par un groupe de rebelles syriens  provient du fait qu’en tant que femme combattant sur un champ de bataille réservé aux hommes, elle a osé menacer l’hégémonie masculine ».


Barin Kobane, Kurdistan

Snippet FEA Principles of work Human Rights (EN)

A person speaking in a loudspeaker.


Julio 2015

Foro de Mujeres sobre Financiación para la Igualdad de Género

  • Este Foro se realizó el 10 de julio de 2015 en Adís Abeba y reunió a feministas, mujeres de las bases, activistas de género, académicas/os y representantes de organizaciones/redes por los derechos de las mujeres, además de recibir aportes específicos de representantes de la ONU y otras/os hacedoras/es de políticas públicas.
  • Los objetivos del Foro de Mujeres son: compartir información actualizada sobre el estado de las más recientes negociaciones en torno a la FpD; analizar colectivamente el panorama de la FpD y su seguimiento; acordar una postura en común sobre los derechos de las mujeres; y formular estrategias para participar de manera significativa y sustantiva con una perspectiva feminista en la Conferencia sobre la FpD en Adís Abeba.
  • El WWG organizó el Foro de Mujeres en colaboración con FEMNET, el African Women’s Development Fund [Fondo para el Desarrollo de las Mujeres Africanas, AWDF en inglés] y la Post-2015 Women’s Coalition [Coalición de Mujeres por el Post-2015] con el apoyo de ONU Mujeres.

Foro de las OSC en la Conferencia Internacional sobre la FpD

  • El Foro de las OSC en la Conferencia sobre la FpD tuvo lugar en Adís Abeba el 11 y 12 de julio de 2015 con los siguientes objetivos: informar a las OSC participantes sobre el estado del proceso oficial y coordinar la participación de la sociedad civil en la tercera Conferencia sobre la FpD; redactar colectivamente una Declaración del Foro de OSC, así como los mensajes de las OSC para las Mesas Redondas de la Conferencia sobre la FpD, los eventos paralelos organizados por el Grupo de las OSC y cualquier otra oportunidad que pueda surgir; planificar y organizar las futuras áreas de participación de las OSC en el proceso de Financiación para el Desarrollo más allá de la tercera Conferencia sobre la FpD.
  • Para más información, por favor visita el sitio del Grupo de OSC en la Conferencia Internacional sobre la FpD (en inglés) o contacta al Grupo Coordinador de las OSC en Adís Abeba (addiscoordinatinggroup@gmail.com).

Tercera Conferencia Internacional de la ONU sobre la Financiación para el Desarrollo

  • La tercera Conferencia Internacional de la ONU sobre la Financiación para el Desarrollo se realizó en Adís Abeba, Etiopía, del 13 al 16 de julio de 2015 y estuvo centrada en: evaluar los progresos realizados en cuanto a la aplicación del Consenso de Monterrey (2002) y la Declaración de Doha (2008); abordar temas nuevos y emergentes, incluso en el contexto de los recientes esfuerzos multilaterales por promover la cooperación internacional para el desarrollo, teniendo en cuenta el panorama actual y en permanente evolución de la cooperación para el desarrollo, la interrelación entre todas las fuentes de financiación para el desarrollo, las sinergias entre objetivos de la financiación en las tres dimensiones del desarrollo sostenible (económica, social y ambiental) y la necesidad de apoyar el desarrollo de la agenda de Naciones Unidas más allá de 2015; así como revitalizar y fortalecer el proceso de seguimiento a la financiación para el desarrollo.
  • La Agenda de Acción de Addis Ababa fue adoptada el 15 de julio de 2015 por jefes de estado, de gobierno y altos representantes ante las Naciones Unidas.
  • Sin embargo, los países en desarrollo, las organizaciones de la sociedad civil y, más específicamente, las organizaciones de mujeres consideran que la Agenda de Acción de Addis Ababa no logró cumplir su cometido. El Grupo de Trabajo de Mujeres expresó su fuerte decepción y demandó cambios estructurales en la gobernanza económica mundial y la arquitectura para el desarrollo. Puedes leer aquí la reacción al documento final. Cientos de organizaciones y redes de la sociedad civil de todo el mundo también expresaron sus profundas preocupaciones y reservas. Puedes leer aquí la respuesta al documento final.

Exposition Pleasure Garden

Cette œuvre est la collaboration photographique et illustrative réalisée par Siphumeze et Katia pendant le confinement. Elle se penche sur les récits de sexe et de plaisir des queers noirs, le bondage, le sexe protégé, les jouets, la santé mentale et le sexe et bien d'autres choses encore. Elle a été créée pour accompagner l'anthologie Touch.

Mental Health
Mental Health (Santé mentale)
Sex and Spirtuality
Sex and Spirtuality (Sexe et spiritualité)
Orgasm (Orgasme)

À propos des artistes

Siphumeze Khundayi portrait

Siphumeze Khundayi est une créatrice d'art, photographe et animatrice qui s'intéresse aux moyens créatifs de réunir le dialogue et la pratique artistique en relation avec l'identité queer africaine. 

Elle est directrice créative de HOLAAfrica!, un collectif panafricaniste féministe en ligne.

Ses travaux de performance en solo et collaboratifs ont été présentés dans un certain nombre de festivals et d'espaces théâtraux tels que le festival Ricca Ricca au Japon.

Elle a mis en scène deux productions nominées aux Naledi Awards en 2017 et 2018. Elle a aussi mis en scène un spectacle qui a remporté un prix Standard Bank Ovation en 2020.
En tant que photographe, elle a participé à une exposition de groupe intitulée Flowers of my Soul (Fleurs de mon âme) en Italie, organisée par le Misfit Project. Elle a produit trois publications pour HOLAAfrica et a été publiée dans le deuxième volume, pour lequel elle a fourni la couverture: As You Like des Gerald Kraak Anthologies.

katia portrait

Katia Herrera est une artiste visuelle numérique de 21 ans originaire de la ville bruyante de Saint-Domingue, en République dominicaine. Bien que Herrera soit une introvertie autoproclamée, ses œuvres d'art sont remarquablement fortes dans un monde qui tente de faire taire les voix des personnes noires. Avec des titres comme Black Woman (Femme Noire), You Own the Moon (La Lune t’Appartient), Earth Goddess (Déesse de la Terre), Forever (Pour Toujours) et Universe Protector (Protecteur.rice de l’Univers), l'héritage de Herrera sera marqué par sa volonté passionnée de mettre en lumière l'endurance et la persévérance des Noir·e·s d'hier et d'aujourd'hui, afin de contrer le discours selon lequel la peau noire ne devrait être associée qu'à l'esclavage.

L'une de ses œuvres la plus belle et la plus vivante, Universe Protector, dépeint l'âme noire comme une entité divine pleine de force, de puissance et de grandeur. C’est dans sa jeunesse que son amour du graphisme a été stimulé grâce à l'art de ses parents et le Photoshop qu'ils avaient téléchargé sur leur ordinateur pour leur photographie professionnelle.

Anna Campbell (şehid Hêlîn Qerecox)

Anna grew up in Lewes, Sussex (UK) and, after deciding not to pursue her English degree at Sheffield University, she moved to Bristol and became a plumber.

She spent much of her time defending the marginalised and under-privileged, attending anti-fascist rallies, and offering support to the women of Dale Farm when they were threatened with eviction. A vegan and animal lover, she attended hunt sabotages and her name is honoured on PETA's 'Tree of Life' Memorial. Anna went to Rojava in May 2017 with a strong commitment to women's empowerment, full representation of all ethnicities and protection of the environment.

Anna died on March 15, 2018 when she was hit by a Turkish airstrike in the town of Afrin, northern Syria. Anna was fighting with the Women's Protection Forces (YPJ), when she was killed.


Anna Campbell (şehid Hêlîn Qerecox), UK

Snippet FEA Title Main (ES)




Las Economías Feministas




Quel est le thème du 14e Forum de l’AWID ?

Le 14e Forum a pour thème « Réalités féministes: notre pouvoir en action ».

Nous concevons les Réalités féministes comme différentes façons d’exister et d’être qui nous révèlent ce qui est possible, au mépris et malgré les systèmes de pouvoir dominants, et en résistance à ces derniers. Nous concevons ces réalités féministes comme des revendications et des incarnations d’espoir et de pouvoir, et comme des réalités multidimensionnelles, dynamiques et ancrées dans des contextes et des moments historiques spécifiques. 

En savoir plus sur les réalités féministes

FRMag - Freeing the Church

Liberar a la Iglesia, descolonizar la Biblia para las mujeres de Papúa Occidental

por Rode Wanimbo

«Señor, somos indignas. Somos las que pecaron, porque Eva comió el fruto en el Edén. Solo somos mujeres que cultivan batatas, cuidan cerdos y dan a luz niñxs. Creemos que tú moriste en la cruz para liberarnos. Gracias, en el nombre de Jesús, amén». (...)


< arte: «Offerings for Black Life» [Ofrendas para las vidas negras], Sokari Ekine

Nicole Barakat

nicole barakat -verge exhibition april 2018
We transcend time and place, Hand cut found paper (2017)
nicole barakat -verge exhibition april 2018
We will remember who we are and We will persist Cotton embroidered hand cut lamé on wool silk cloth (2018)
nicole barakat -verge exhibition april 2018
​​We will return home, Silk embroidered hand cut lamé on cotton velveteen (2018)
verge march 18 - document photography
We will heal in the now, Hand cut silk, wool, lamé, cotton, direct digital print silk satin on linen (2018)

we are infinite

An exhibition by Nicole Barakat, embodying her reconnection with the diaspora of objects from her ancestral homelands in the South West Asia and North Africa (SWANA) region.
Barakat presents a collection of textile works as manifestations of her practice of engaging with displaced, and often stolen objects held within Western museum collections including the Louvre, British Museum and Nicholson Museum. 
To by-pass the gatekeepers and breach the vitrines holding these ancestral objects, Barakat reclaims pre-colonial, non-linear, receptive forms of knowing that are often devalued and dismissed by colonial and patriarchal institutions - engaging with coffee cup divination, dream-work, intuitive listening and conversations with the objects themselves (source).

About Nicole Barakat

Nicole Barakat portrait
Nicole Barakat is a queer femme, SWANA artist born and living on Gadigal Country (so-called Sydney, Australia). She works with deep listening and intuitive processes with intentions to transform the conditions of everyday life. Her work engages unconventional approaches to art-making, creating intricate works that embody the love and patience that characterises traditional textile practices. 

Her works include hand-stitched and hand-cut cloth and paper drawings, sculptural forms made with her own hair, cloth and plant materials as well as live work where she uses her voice as a material. 

Nicole’s creative practice is rooted in re-membering and re-gathering her ancestral knowing, including coffee divination and more recently working with plants and flower essences for community care and healing. 

Annaliza Dinopol Gallardo Capinpin

Conocida como «Ate Liza», Annaliza era la presidenta del Consejo de la Reforma Agraria para lxs Pionerxs de Mindanao, un grupo coodinador general en Tacurong City, Filipinas.

Querida madre de cuatro hijxs, maestra y líder comunitaria, Annaliza es recordada por su comunidad como «la que lidera cuando nadie quiere liderar, la que habla cuando nadie quiere hablar, la que se puso de pie con coraje para ayudar a lxs beneficiarxs de la reforma agraria a ser dueñxs de sus tierras».

Atacantes desconocidos la ultimaron a balazos en frente de la Universidad Estatal Sultán Kudarat (SKSU), mientras se dirigía a la Escuela Secundaria Nacional Salabaca, en Esperanza.

Su familia ha dicho: «Naghihintay pa rin kami ng hustisya para sa kanya» (todavía estamos esperando justicia para ella).


Snippet - Podcast Intro (FR)

Nous sommes ravi.es d'annoncer le lancement du nouveau podcast de l'AWID, NOTRE FLAMME FÉMINISTE. Notre série narrative dévoile plus de 40 ans de mouvements féministes et réinvente une voie à suivre.

Dans notre saison pilote, vous entendrez cinq histoires captivantes qui font partie d'une constellation d'activisme féministe aujourd'hui. Animé par Gopika Bashi, notre directrice adjointe des programmes à l'AWID, chaque épisode explore des réalités féministes uniques mais interconnectées qui améliorent la justice de genre et les droits humains.

Produit par notre partenaire de podcast Webby Hueman Group Media, vous pouvez vous abonner à NOTRE FLAMME FÉMINISTE et écouter notre premier épisode ici.

Retrouvez-nous sur Apple Podcasts, Spotify ou partout où vous obtenez vos podcasts. Partagez avec votre réseau ! Aidez-nous à diffuser des histoires qui allument notre feu féministe et nous poussent à l'action.

Abonnez-vous ici