Special Focus

AWID is an international, feminist, membership organisation committed to achieving gender equality, sustainable development and women’s human rights

Women Human Rights Defenders

WHRDs are self-identified women and lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex (LBTQI) people and others who defend rights and are subject to gender-specific risks and threats due to their human rights work and/or as a direct consequence of their gender identity or sexual orientation.

WHRDs are subject to systematic violence and discrimination due to their identities and unyielding struggles for rights, equality and justice.

The WHRD Program collaborates with international and regional partners as well as the AWID membership to raise awareness about these risks and threats, advocate for feminist and holistic measures of protection and safety, and actively promote a culture of self-care and collective well being in our movements.

Risks and threats targeting WHRDs  

WHRDs are exposed to the same types of risks that all other defenders who defend human rights, communities, and the environment face. However, they are also exposed to gender-based violence and gender-specific risks because they challenge existing gender norms within their communities and societies.

By defending rights, WHRDs are at risk of:

  • Physical assault and death
  • Intimidation and harassment, including in online spaces
  • Judicial harassment and criminalization
  • Burnout

A collaborative, holistic approach to safety

We work collaboratively with international and regional networks and our membership

  • to raise awareness about human rights abuses and violations against WHRDs and the systemic violence and discrimination they experience
  • to strengthen protection mechanisms and ensure more effective and timely responses to WHRDs at risk

We work to promote a holistic approach to protection which includes:

  • emphasizing the importance of self-care and collective well being, and recognizing that what care and wellbeing mean may differ across cultures
  • documenting the violations targeting WHRDs using a feminist intersectional perspective;
  • promoting the social recognition and celebration of the work and resilience of WHRDs ; and
  • building civic spaces that are conducive to dismantling structural inequalities without restrictions or obstacles

Our Actions

We aim to contribute to a safer world for WHRDs, their families and communities. We believe that action for rights and justice should not put WHRDs at risk; it should be appreciated and celebrated.

  • Promoting collaboration and coordination among human rights and women’s rights organizations at the international level to  strengthen  responses concerning safety and wellbeing of WHRDs.

  • Supporting regional networks of WHRDs and their organizations, such as the Mesoamerican Initiative for WHRDs and the WHRD Middle East and North Africa  Coalition, in promoting and strengthening collective action for protection - emphasizing the establishment of solidarity and protection networks, the promotion of self-care, and advocacy and mobilization for the safety of WHRDs;

  • Increasing the visibility and recognition of  WHRDs and their struggles, as well as the risks that they encounter by documenting the attacks that they face, and researching, producing, and disseminating information on their struggles, strategies, and challenges:

  • Mobilizing urgent responses of international solidarity for WHRDs at risk through our international and regional networks, and our active membership.

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Snippet FEA Financial Precarities (EN)

This image represents a faceless person with dark hair, yellow glasses, and V-neck navy blue colored shirt that is writing on a burgundy piece of paper with a yellow pencil
is constant

Les réalités du financement et l’état du financement des mouvements féministes changent rapidement. Cette enquête a-t-elle une seule édition?

Non. L’enquête s’appuie sur les 20 années de mobilisation de l’AWID dans l’objectif d’obtenir davantage de financement de meilleure qualité pour des changements sociaux menés par des féministes. Cette enquête est la troisième édition de la recherche Où est l’argent pour l’organisation des mouvements féministes? Notre objectif est de mener une enquête WITM tous les 3 ans.

Isabel Cabanillas de la Torre

Isabel Cabanillas de la Torre fue una activista joven y una artista feminista muy querida de Ciudad Juárez, México, conocida por sus hermosos diseños evocadores de indumentaria pintada a manoen los que los ojos eran una característica emblemática de su trabajo. Sus murales transformaron los edificios abandonados y vacíos del centro de Ciudad Juárez, al sumarles vida y crítica política a sus paredes.

A través de su arte y de su activismo político, Isabel buscó llamar la atención sobre la violencia de género que se extendía por su ciudad natal. Colaboró como voluntaria con la red Mesa de Mujeres en el proyecto «Observatorio Ciudadano de Género», que monitoreaba la actuación de jueces, fiscales y defensorxs públicxs en casos de femicidios y otras violaciones a los derechos basadas en el género. Integró también «Hijas De Su Maquilera Madre», una colectiva feminista cuyo nombre alude a las hijas de madres que son trabajadoras de la maquila. Algunas de estas madres fueron las primeras víctimas de femicidio en Ciudad Juárez.

El último proyecto de Isabel (todavía en curso) fue una instalación artística para protestar contra una compañía canadiense que quería extraer cobre de los Médanos de Samalayuca.

El 18 de enero de 2020 Isabel fue atacada a balazos mientras volvía a su casa del centro de Ciudad Juárez en bicicleta, víctima, aparentemente, de un asesinato selectivo. Su cuerpo fue encontrado junto a su bicicleta.

El asesinato de Isabel desató una nueva ola de indignación contra los femicidios de la región: cientos de personas marcharon hacia el puente de la frontera entre EEUU y México, y lo bloquearon durante horas mientras cantaban «Ni una más», que es la protesta continua de las colectivas feministas contra los asesinatos de las mujeres en todo México. Solamente en 2019, 3.142 mujeres y niñas fueron asesinadas en el país; muchas de ellas fueron atacadas específicamente por su género.

Amaba andar en bicicleta.

«La bicicleta era un símbolo de libertad para ella. Simbolizaba ser libre en las calles.» - Marisol, amiga de Isabel

40 ans de la fondation de AWID: L'album

Rassembler, semer et perturber.

L’année 2022 marque les 40 ans de la fondation de AWID. Nous profitons de ce moment pour nous pencher sur les années passées et apprendre du chemin parcouru, tout en nous préparant à l’avenir et au travail qui nous attend. À mesure de notre progression entre les cycles de progrès et de repli , nous avons appris que les luttes pour les droits des femmes et la justice de genre sont itératives et non linéaires. En collaboration avec l'artiste Naadira Patel, nous avons créé un album qui met en lumière une sélection de moments marquants, représentatifs des quatre décennies de soutien de AWID aux mouvements féministes.

Nous n’avons pas fait tout cela toutes seules. Nous vous faisons part de cela avec une profonde reconnaissance envers la myriade d’activistes et de groupes féministes qui ont rendu ce travail possible. Dans ce contexte de si nombreuses crises convergentes, nous accueillons l’occasion de célébrer le pouvoir et la résilience des mouvements féministes autour du monde…

Explorez notre album ci-dessous :

Vous pouvez ouvrir en plein écran si vous le souhaitez.
Télécharger l'album ici

Snippet FEA Get Involved Story 3 (ES)


¡Sigue el trabajo de la cooperativa en Facebook e Instagram, comparte sus campañas y mantente al tanto de sus acciones y eventos de recaudación de fondos!

Snippet - WITM FAQ - FR

Foire aux questions - FAQ

Aïssata Kane

Aïssata Kane, surnommée affectueusement “Yaye Kadia” (Mère Kadia), a de tout temps été une féministe engagée dans la défense des droits des femmes africaines, et particulièrement mauritaniennes.

Au cours de sa carrière politique, en 1975, elle fut nommée ministre de la protection de la famille et des affaires sociales et travailla avec ardeur à l’amélioration du statut des femmes dans son pays; c’était la première fois qu'une femme occupait un tel poste.   

Ce travail consista notamment à promouvoir l’éducation des filles et des femmes, à lutter contre la pratique du gavage sur les jeunes femmes, à faire pression pour l’inclusion d’une disposition sur les droits maritaux et à plaider en faveur de la création d’un quota de représentation féminine au Parlement.  

“[Aïssata] a réalisé toutes ses passions avec humilité, courage et détermination. Elle ne voulait déranger personne avec ce combat qu’elle menait sur tous les fronts à la fois.” Ball Halimata Dem, la nièce d’Aïssata

Ayant fondé l'Union nationale des femmes de Mauritanie (UNFM), elle avait cocréé et publié pour elles le magazine Marienou, dédié à l’émancipation des femmes mauritaniennes. Aïssata dirigea également plusieurs organisations sous-régionales et locales, notamment en tant que présidente de l'Association internationale des femmes francophones (AIFF) et, en écologiste résolue, fut présidente de l'Association pour la protection de l'environnement en Mauritanie (APEM). 

En 2018, on lui décerna le Prix de la Femme africaine pionnière. Ce prix honore son engagement à faire progresser le statut de la femme en Mauritanie et reconnaît son grand leadership et son sens de l'innovation.

Aïssata est décédée le 10 août 2019. 

Introducing AWID’s next Co-Executive Directors

Dear Feminist Movements,

On behalf of the AWID Board of Directors, I am proud to introduce AWID’s next Co-Executive Directors: Faye Macheke and Inna Michaeli!  

Portrait of CoED Faye Macheke smiling and standing in front of greenery
Faye Macheke is a passionate Pan-African feminist, active in movements for women's rights, racial justice, migrant and labor rights, and environmental justice.  Her activism builds on the legacy of the struggle against apartheid in South Africa and the aftermath of the apartheid era in Zimbabwe. In 2019, Faye joined AWID as the Director of Finance, Operations and Development. She brings extensive experience in feminist leadership, strategy, and all aspects of organisational development. Faye is a committed Board Member of UAF-Africa and other women's rights organizations. She is based in Cape Town, South Africa.
Portrait of CoED Inna Michaeli smiling. Behind them is a wall with grafiti.
Inna Michaeli is a feminist lesbian queer activist and sociologist with many years of deep engagement in feminist and LGBTQI+ struggles, political education and organizing by and for migrant women, and Palestine liberation and solidarity. Inna joined AWID in 2016 and served in different roles, most recently as the Director of Programs. She brings extensive experience in research and knowledge building, policy advocacy and organizational development. Inna serves on the Board of the Jewish Voice for Peace - Germany. She is based in Berlin, Germany.

This decision is the result of a rigorous process with full participation of the Board and the staff of AWID. The Board recognised and honoured the skills and talents of AWID staff by opening an internal hiring search.  As a result, we had two brilliant candidates, who embody the integrity, ethic of care, and feminist intersectional values that drive AWID’s work, apply together as a team. Faye and Inna brought forward a brave and exciting vision to meet the challenges of this moment: building a global feminist community, resisting and disrupting systems of oppression, and supporting feminist movements to thrive.
As AWID celebrates 40 years we are excited for Inna and Faye to co-lead AWID into our next strategy and a new phase of evolving, pushing boundaries, and supporting feminist movements worldwide. 
Appointing and supporting AWID’s Co-Executive Directors to lead the organisation is a fiduciary responsibility we take seriously as a Board. How we engage those processes is also a reflection of AWID’s brilliant and diverse membership, which elects AWID’s Board.
As we say good-bye to Cindy and Hakima, we, the Board, unanimously and enthusiastically welcome Faye and Inna as our next Co-EDs as of September 5, 2022. Stay tuned for more updates about our leadership transition in the months ahead.

Most of all, thank you for your ongoing support!

In feminist solidarity and love,
Margo Okazawa-Rey
President, AWID Board

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Snippet - WITM to claim - AR

لتجسيد قوتكم/ن كخبيرات عن وضع التمويل للحركات النسوية

Barbara Allimadi

Barbara Allimadi was a political and human rights activist from Uganda. In 2012, she co-organized a protest against a televised police assault of Ingrid Turinawe, an opposition politician who had her breast squeezed by a police officer.

During the protest, Barbara, along with other fellow activists stripped to their bras in front of the Central Police Station in Kampala. This came to be known as the infamous ‘bra protest’ in Uganda.

“We settled on the bra protest. We thought it would be most appropriate for what had happened. It’s not like we were saying we don’t respect ourselves. We were disgusted by what had been done.” - Barbara Allimadi, 2013 (Daily Monitor)

With a Degree in Electronics and Communications Engineering from the London Metropolitan University, Barbara was a network engineer in the United Kingdom and an avid fan of reggae music. She returned to Uganda In 2007, when her mother passed away.

In 2019, she was appointed Coordinator for International and Diaspora Affairs at the Alliance for National Transformation (ANT), a political party launched that year by an opposition leader.

“We want security of life and property, not pain, injury and even death at the hands of security forces who are meant to protect us. Most importantly, we want a stable and enabling environment where we can realize our dreams and aspirations.” - Barbara Allimadi, ANT video

Barbara passed away on 27 April 2020. 


“I was so proud of my sister for many things but in particular her fearless pursuit of peace, democracy, justice and equality in Uganda. At the height of her activism she led many marches on the streets of Kampala, to police stations, and Parliament.” - Doris Allimadi, Barbara’s sister

“It is with deep sadness that we have learnt of the untimely passing of Barbara Allimadi. She has been a valiant, relentless and courageous force for the liberation movement of Uganda. Our deepest condolences to her family. She will be sorely missed.” - Akina Mama wa Afrika (tweet on 28 April 2020)

“The passing on of Barbara is so sad for us and her entire family. She dedicated herself to fighting for justice, freedom and rights of others while serving in the civil society until she recently joined us at the party.” Maj Gen Mugisha Muntu, ANT national coordinator

“A beautiful, charming, funny, charismatic and inspirational sister. My children lost their aunty. Uganda lost a brave and courageous freedom fighter. Barbara once said, ‘As long as there is still breath in you, keep working towards your dreams.’” - Doris Allimadi, Barbara’s sister

Carta de amor a los movimientos feministas #2

Mi querida colectiva feminista:

Sobres de álbum de recortes, el de arriba dicen Cartas de amor a los movimientos feministas. El sobre en la parte superior dice De: Lina

La integro desde que tengo uso de razón. De jovencita, no sabía que existía una palabra — «feminista»  — para nosotrxs, quienes aspiramos a superar y desmantelar el patriarcado; quienes buscamos refugio en los brazos de la inclusión y la interseccionalidad; quienes tratamos a las personas como iguales independientemente de su género, raza, sexualidad, religión y etnia; quienes estamos continuamente aprendiendo a obrar mejor, a ser mejores y a usar nuestros privilegios para que otras personas mejoren. 

Cuando tenía 14 años, mi profesor de francés de la escuela secundaria, un hombre de 1,80 metros de altura y 30 años de edad, agredió a una alumna de mi clase delante de todxs nosotrxs. La alumna, que era amiga mía desde la infancia, y varias chicas más fuimos a la dirección para denunciarlo, madres y padres se involucraron y toda la clase, treinta alumnxs, expresó su apoyo a la chica. Pero todos nuestros intentos para que el profesor rindiera cuentas por lo que había hecho fracasaron: la administración ocultóó la denunciaa y el profesor nunca fue despedido ni perseguido. Mis compañeras y yo estábamos indignadas, así que hicimos lo que toda joven feminista furiosa haría: LE TIRAMOS HUEVOS A SU AUTO. Si bien los huevos se lavaron con facilidad, costó más sacar la pintura que usamos para escribir las palabras «Cerdo» y «Khamaj» (basura). Nunca olvidaré cómo nos hizo sentir eso: liberadas, enfurecidas, felices, muy unidas y con poder. La misma emoción se repite en todos los ámbitos feministas en los que he estado desde entonces. La feminista adolescente que hay en mí creció y participó en Women Deliver, AWID, Unootha, facilitó talleres feministas en la universidad, e incluso fue perseguida por su filiación feminista a los 19 años, pero esa es otra historia para otra carta. 

Los movimientos y espacios feministas me brindan seguridad y empoderamiento. Son las madres que hubiéramos deseado tener y los vínculos que necesitábamos para conectarnos y organizarnos, a pesar de nuestras diferencias, contra un enemigo común, el patriarcado, que nos ha estado perjudicando a todxs. Con ustedes aprendí a ser resiliente y a reunir mis fuerzas y habilidades para estimular a otras personas, para sacar a la luz la situación de las personas marginadas, y dar voz a quienes no la tienen.

Lo que más me gusta de ustedes, movimientos feministas, es que a veces hacen mal las cosas, desprecian y también marginan, tienen prejuicios como cualquier otro movimiento, pero lo que los diferencia es que siempre se esfuerzan por ser mejores. La rendición de cuentas no es algo a lo que le teman, y son un colectivo en constante cambio que refleja cómo el altruismo y la filantropía que se proponen lograr la equidad de género también cambian con el paso del tiempo. 

Que crezcan siempre, que obren mejor, que siempre se enfurezcan, que siempre rujan, que siempre amen, que siempre hablen distintas lenguas y que siempre sientan su poder. 

Amor, luz y rabia, 

Snippet FEA collaborator and allies Photo 3 (EN)

The photo depicts five women (Sopo is standing in the middle) standing on top of stairs in front of a stone wall, holding placards with Georgian slogans written on them.

Snippet - WITM Survey will remain open - RU

Опрос будет открыт до 31 июля 2024 года

Чтобы узнать больше об исследовании «Где есть средства?» и о текущей ситуации с финансированием для феминистских организаций, вы можете принять участие в вебинаре, посвященном запуску проекта, 4 Июль 2024.

Пройти опрос!

AWID en 2014: Fortaleciendo la organización de las mujeres por sus derechos en todo el mundo

Love letter to Feminist Movements #8

Dearest Beloved Feminist Movements,

Hello again, and again, and again. I have known and loved you my entire adult life, since I first met you meaningfully, after graduating from university. I’d seen you one time before then. That was you appearing as Betty Friedan on a local TV talk show in the US Midwest, in the late-1960s. At the time, Mrs. Wells, my other mother, and I commented on what wild, far-fetched ideas this woman was trying to convince us about. Decade after decade since then I have fallen more deeply in love with you, Beloved, and understand and witness your political and theoretical brilliance, ethical and moral authority, creativity, joy, and love, above all. Nearly 60 years later, I know we are partners forever.

Love letter to feminist movements from Your dramatically cloaked jungle nymph.

The early years of our acquaintanceship was ok. I was quite self-involved--figuring racial, gender, and sexual identity; getting clear on my core politics, values, and ethics; completing my formal education--and you provided numerous settings, intellectual drop-in centers, and comforting holding environments where and through which I was able to craft the young-adult building blocks of the feminist and human being whom I would become.

The predominantly white women’s movement of Cambridge and Boston, including Daughters of Bilitis, was my starting place. That suited me at the time but soon realized I desired something more. Poof! Like magic (serendipity), I connected with a small group of radical, anti-imperialist, Black, socialist lesbian women and we soon became the Combahee River Collective. 

That early Combahee experience, combined with critical life lessons and particular African-American/Korean immigrant racial politics of early-1990s in the US, prepared me for the journey that has led me to identify and work as a transnational feminist to address militarism and to dedicate myself to imagining other worlds where all living beings will thrive.

The next two critical women’s-movement moments were decades after Combahee years but deeply linked. First was meeting and being invited into the Korean feminist movement organizing against US military bases and supporting the “kijichon women” the Korean women whose lives, including for some, their mixed-race children, revolved around servicing US military personnel in numerous ways in villages and towns adjacent to the bases. Korean Beloved Feminists, especially Kim Yon-Ja and Ahn Il-Soon, the first sisters I met and traveled with, made me see and understand the critical importance of nation as an analytical and organizing principle. The “capstone” was living, working in occupied Palestine. The late Maha Abu-Dayyeh introduced me to the Palestinian women’s movement, with a profound comment, “you can leave Palestine but Palestine will never leave you.” So true. And, all my work and experiences across many borders brought me to AWID--my second home.

As you know, Beloved, being with you has not been easy or simple. Indeed, you are demanding, consistently riddled with contradictions, and sometimes even hurtful. Nonetheless, you continue to grow and develop, as you are supporting my political, emotional, and spiritual growth and development.  I guess we are growing each other--a very profound process to which I will dedicate the rest of my time in my current form.

The through-line of being with you all these decades is this: 

Feminists Collectively Engaging the Heads, Hearts, Hands, and Spirits to transform our worlds

This is chart with 7 consecutive circles arranged in a circumference. Each one is separated by an arrow which makes the chart a loop. Starting at the top, and following left to right, the circles say: #1 reflecting on individual experiences, #2 story-telling collectively, #3 theorizing, #4 visioning, #5 acting and reflecting, #6 re-visioning, #7 ethic of humility, care, joy, love.


So much love, Feminist Movements!

Your Margo
AKA DJ MOR Love and Joy

Wellfleet Massachusetts USA