Brave, Creative and Resilient: The State of Young Feminist Organizing

FRIDA The Young Feminist Fund launched at the 2016 AWID international Forum, an exclusive research that analyzed young feminist-led organizing from more than 1500 organizations around the world, over three years.

Spotlight Articles: Young Women's Leadership and Feminist Movements and Organizations

These articles highlight key issues and points for discussion for young women involved in feminist movements and organizations.

What It Means To Be A Feminist Activist Today

As I am writing this, the world is celebrating the 100th anni-versary of the International Women’s Day, and while some newspaper articles and blog posts are reflecting on the historical importance of this day, others are asking: Do we still need a special day just for women?

What does it mean to be political?

I come from a region where the political situation is always volatile. The Middle East has gone through more than 10 major wars in the past 60 years and has been prime ground for expansive imperialist projects of European and American powers. The last few months have been especially tumultuous beginning with the revolution in Tunisia causing a chain reaction of events across the region in Egypt, Algeria, Yemen and Jordan, not to mention the recent ‘yes’ vote for the secession of Southern Sudan from the North and the fall of the Lebanese parliament.

Why we keep our ability to dream…

As one leaves New York after the MDGs +10 Summit that took place from 20 to 22 of September, it is difficult not to wonder: have we become “comfortably numb”? Have we lost our ability to dream?

Funding and Resource Mobilization for Young Women’s Rights Activism

Until recently, there was little understanding of the specific impact of human rights violations on young women or recognition of the critical role young women play in realizing women’s rights and tackling global challenges.  Today, because of concerted advocacy by youth activists, the situation is very different. Governments, multilateral institutions, private sector initiatives and civil society are increasingly adding a focus on young women to development programs, and channeling resources toward addressing the specific challenges and obstacles faced by young women.

How is young feminist activism helping our movements grow?

Youth activism can tell us a lot about the state of movements.

Youth presence indicates how relevant and up-to-date a movement is. Their critical analysis hints at the strength of succeeding leadership. And their level of engagement and output is telling of a movement’s longevity and reach. The presence of strategic and solid youth activism is one indication of strong, healthy, sustainable movements. In many ways, women’s movements are becoming more and more conscious of the importance of mobilizing and engaging with young women.

From National to Global Agenda and Why We Should Be There at All Levels

I first heard about Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) at the age of 19. To be honest, at that time for me it was nothing but nice pictures (as each goal had its own symbol) with nice slogans — just a wish list.  I got to familiarize myself with the concept of accountability and how governments should be accountable to international community but more importantly, towards their own people. Gradually, I started to understand what it was all about, that if it works that means me, my family, my relatives, my friends, just people around me should live better.


When a Small Bunch of Young Women Envision Peace

We are a small bunch. We are a group of young women from Bosnia and Herzegovina. We gathered around a Peace Academy Project, organized by Kvinna till Kvinna, to undergo a training in peace, conflict transformation, and the role of women. 


From Policy to Reality: Young People Demand Implementation!

The post-2015 mechanism in development is expected to ensure gender equality and ‘leave no one behind.’ However, gender mainstreaming or even the MDGs and ICPD15 platforms have still failed to address gender inequality in a nuanced manner.