The Human Rights Council (HRC) is the foremost intergovernmental body responsible for the promotion and protection of all human rights around the globe.

The 43rd session of the UN Human Rights Council started on 24 February 2020 and was suspended on 13 March because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The session resumed on 15 June and ended on 23 June. The 44th session of the HRC is taking place from 30 June - 17 July 2020, in Geneva.
The HRC is presented with thematic and country reports from UN experts and where Member States debate and pass resolutions on cross-cutting human rights issues and human rights situations in particular countries.
Find below information on key reports and resolutions that pertain to gender justice, sexuality and women's rights, as well as statements made by feminists activists and civil society on restrictions to civil society participation this session.
Key Reports at the 44th Session
- ‘Women’s human rights in the changing world of work’ - Working Group on Discrimination against Women (A/HRC/44/51)
- ‘Conversion therapy’ - Independent Expert on SOGI (A/HRC/44/53)
- ‘Combating practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance’ - Special Rapporteur on racism (A/HRC/44/58)
- ‘Protecting civic space worldwide’ - Special Rapporteur on freedom of assembly and association (A/HRC/44/50)
- ‘Civil society space: international and regional organizations’ - UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (A/HRC/44/25)
- ‘Elimination of FGM’ - UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (A/HRC/44/33)
- ‘Combating violence against women journalists’ - Special Rapporteur on VAW (A/HRC/44/52)
Key statements
Lack of space for civil society participation
- HRC 44: Joint statement for HRC44 virtual meeting of the HRC President with NGOs
- HRC44: Statement from SRI on the report of the Special Rapporteur on peaceful assembly and association
- HRC43: Joint statement on the General Debate
Discrimination against women and girls
- HRC44: Statement from SRI on COVID-19 and women’ rights
- HRC44: Statement from SRI on the report of the UN Working Group on Discrimination against Women and Girls
Racial discrimination and police brutality
- HRC 43: Statement from CAL and SRI on the Urgent Debate of “current racially inspired human rights violations, systemic racism, police brutality and the violence against peaceful protest”
- Press release by CAL and SRI: UN Human Rights Council Resolution on racial discrimination and police brutality
Key resolutions
- Discrimination against women and girls (Adopted as orally revised without a vote)
- Female Genital Mutilation (Adopted without a vote)
- Business and Human Rights (Adopted without a vote)
- The promotion and protection of human rights in the context of peaceful protests (Adopted as orally revised without a vote)