Globally, young feminists are leading activist movements and driving efforts for sustainable change across diverse social justice issues.
This comic book created by Dee Mathieu Cassendo* in collaboration with the Young Feminist Activism (YFA) team at AWID visually depicts the many creative tactics that young feminist organisers use in their work across different contexts and movements in spite of being under-resourced, and often volunteer-led.

Young feminist organisers often face challenges due to a lack of financial resources, backlash and fundamentalisms, as well as threats to their safety and security.
This comic book draws from ‘Brave, Creative and Resistant: The State of Young Feminist Organising’, a report by AWID and FRIDA that shows young feminists are diverse and organise intersectionally, collaborate with activists across a range of social justice movements and lead through participation and consensus building.
*Learn more about the inspiring work of Dee Mathieu Cassendo who co-created this comic strip with AWID and follow her work across social media.
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