Jean-Marc Ferré | Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
A general view of participants at the 16th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland.

Análisis Especiales

AWID es un organización feminista internacional de membresía, que brinda apoyo a los movimientos que trabajan para lograr la justicia de género y los derechos de las mujeres en todo el mundo.

Consejo de Derechos Humanos (CDH)

El Consejo de Derechos Humanos (CDH) es el cuerpo intergubernamental del sistema de las Naciones Unidas responsable de la promoción y protección de todos los derechos humanos en todo el mundo. El HRC se reúne en sesión ordinaria tres veces al año, en marzo, junio y septiembre.  La La Oficina del Alto Comisionado para los Derechos Humanos (ACNUDH) es la secretaría del Consejo de Derechos Humanos.

El CDH  trabaja de la siguiente forma:

  • Debate y aprueba resoluciones sobre cuestiones mundiales de derechos humanos y el estado de los derechos humanos en determinados países

  • Examina las denuncias de víctimas de violaciones a los derechos humanos o las de organizaciones activistas, quienes interponen estas denuncias representando a lxs víctimas.

  • Nombra a expertos independientes que ejecutarán los «Procedimientos Especiales» revisando y presentado informes sobre las  violaciones a los derechos humanos desde una perspectiva temática o en relación a un país específico

  • Participa en discusiones con expertos y  gobiernos respecto a cuestiones de derechos humanos.

  • A través del Examen Periódico Universal, cada cuatro años y medio, se evalúan los  expedientes de derechos humanos de todos los Estados Miembro de las Naciones Unidas

Aprende más sobre el CDH

La Sesión actual - CDH44

Se está llevarando a cabo en Ginebra, Suiza del 30 de junio al 17 de julio de 2020.

AWID trabaja con socios feministas, progresistas y de derechos humanos para compartir conocimientos clave, convocar diálogos y eventos de la sociedad civil, e influir en las negociaciones y los resultados de la sesión.

Con nuestrxs socixs, nuestro trabajo será:

◾️ Monitorear, rastrear y analizar actores, discursos y estrategias anti-derechos y su impacto en las resoluciones

◾️ Desarrollar conjuntamente una labor de promoción conjunta para contrarrestar a los actores anti-derechos y debatir más a fondo las conclusiones del Informe de Tendencias de OUR de 2017

◾️ Apoyar, coordinar y desarrollar de manera colaborativa el Caucus feminista emergente en el CDH


Contenido relacionado

Notre groupe n’a pas reçu de financement externe entre 2021 et 2023. Pouvons-nous quand même participer à l’enquête?

Oui, nous voulons connaître votre situation, que vous ayez reçu du financement pendant une, deux ou les trois années de la période 2021–2023.

Snippet FEA NSS uplifts and grows (ES)

Nous Sommes la Solution eleva y multiplica el liderazgo de las mujeres rurales que trabajan por soluciones realmente africanas para la soberanía alimentaria.

AWID Forum Social Media Kit

Help spread word about the 2016 AWID Forum!

This kit includes sample messages fit for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram, plus images that can be used to accompany these messages.

Using this kit is simple. Just follow these steps:

  1. Choose your favourite messages:

  2. Download your favourite images:

  3. Match up your favourite messages and images any way you like.

  4. Share them on your personal and/or professional social media accounts.

And that’s it – now you can get started! 


Match up your favourite tweets below with these images for Twitter

Tweets for your personal handle

I'm going to the #AWIDForum. It's THE place to connect with women's rights & social justice movements. Join me!:

Can't wait to re-imagine #FeministFutures connect with other women's rights & social justice activists @ the #AWIDForum Join me!:

I’m so excited to attend the #AWIDForum next September, and now we can register! Join me!

Tweets for your institutional handle

Registration is now open for the #AWIDForum! Costa do Sauípe, Brazil, 8-11 Sept. 2016:

Join #AWIDForum, a historic global gathering of women's rights & social justice activists:

Join #AWIDForum to celebrate the gains of our movements & analyze lessons to move forward:

#AWIDForum – not just an event, a chance to disrupt oppression & advance justice:

Join the #AWIDForum to celebrate, strategize and renew ourselves and our movements:

Feminist Futures

Let's build #FeministFutures together. Register for 2016 #AWIDForum. Costa do Sauípe, Brazil

Join us to re-imagine & co-create #FeministFutures at the 2016 #AWIDForum. Register:

#FeministFutures: seize the moment @ #AWIDForum to advance shared visions for a just world:

We’ll be 2,000 social movement activists @ the #AWIDForum, strategizing our #FeministFutures

Cross-movement building

We’re more than a one-issue struggle. Join us at the #AWIDForum:

Join #AWIDForum, a space to strategize across movements & leverage our collective power:

Mobilize solidarity & collective power across social movements at the #AWIDForum:

Break the silos b/w our movements. Re-imagine & co-create our futures. All at the #AWIDForum:

Solidarity is a verb. Let’s put it into action at the #AWIDForum:

Special messages

Donors engaging with women’s rights and social movements at the #AWIDForum:

Media and movements: amplifying #FeministFutures at the #AWIDForum:

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Match up your favourite messages below with these images for Facebook.
These messages may also be used on Twitter via private Direct Messages, which don’t have character limits. 

Facebook messages for your personal profile

The wait is over! We can all register for the 2016 AWID Forum. So excited to reconnect with fellow activists and re-imagine our feminist futures. See you there, in Brazil!

I’m so excited to attend the AWID Forum next September, and now we can register! Join me!

Loving the thought of re-imagining feminist futures with 2,000 people from lots of amazing women's rights and social justice movements at the AWID Forum. Register and meet me in Brazil!

Facebook messages for your organization’s page

Registration is now open for the 2016 AWID Forum in Costa do Sauípe, Brazil! This is not just any event - it’s a key space for women’s rights and social justice activists to come together and re-imagine our feminist futures. You won’t want to miss it!

Join us at the 2016 AWID Forum in Brazil! Activists and movements from all over the world will come together to celebrate, strategize, inspire and renew ourselves and our collective struggles. Register now!

The 2016 AWID Forum will be a historic global gathering of women’s rights and social justice activists and movements. Join us there to break the silos, strengthen solidarity and leverage our collective power. Register now!

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The 2016 AWID Forum will be a historic global gathering of women’s rights and social justice activists and movements. Join us to celebrate, strategize, inspire and renew ourselves and leverage our collective power. Registration is now open!

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Juli Dugdale

Juli Dugdale fue una feminista australiana que practicaba un liderazgo intergeneracional arraigado en los principios del feminismo, la inclusión y la igualdad. Fue líder, colega y mentora para muchas mujeres, especialmente, para las mujeres jóvenes de todo el mundo.

Juli fue una integrante comprometida del equipo del movimiento Young Women's Christian Association [Asociación Cristiana de Mujeres Jóvenes] (YWCA, por su siglas en inglés), una voluntaria y una ferviente defensora del liderazgo de las mujeres jóvenes por más de 30 años.

Se convirtió en un vínculo fuerte entre el movimiento australiano y la Oficina de la YWCA Mundial. Su confianza en la capacidad de liderazgo de las mujeres jóvenes llevó a establecer una asociación de varios años con el Departamento de Asuntos Exteriores y Comercio de Australia y a la creación del manual Rise Up (Rebélate), una guía global para el liderazgo transformador de las mujeres jóvenes, lanzada en 2018.

Juli falleció en Ginebra el 12 de agosto de 2019.


"Para quienes llegaron a trabajar con Juli, fue un privilegio.  Quienes no lo hicieron,  pueden tener la certeza de que su legado continúa en el trabajo que hacemos cada día y en la misión del movimiento de la YWCA". - YWCA Australia

"Juli Dugdale siempre ocupará un lugar profundo en el corazón de muchas personas en el movimiento de la YWCA, especialmente aquí, en Aotearoa, y a través del Pacífico. Juli tenía una relación especial con el Pacífico y fue un apoyo increíble para las mujeres jóvenes de allí. Ella era humilde, amable, cariñosa, dedicada, apasionada y tenía un corazón generoso. Ella encarnó la visión de la YWCA de "liderazgo transformador" con una extraordinaria visión y previsión de futuro, y ayudó a empoderar a generaciones de mujeres jóvenes líderes de todo el mundo". - YWCA Nueva Zelanda

Margarita Salas Guzmán


Margarita est une militante féministe et LGBTIQA d'Amérique latine. Elle est passionnée de transformation sociale et de bien-être collectif. Elle est titulaire de diplômes en psychologie, communication et en administration publique, ainsi que de certificats en politiques publiques, leadership, gestion et prise de décision. Durant son parcours professionnel, Margarita a acquis une vaste expérience auprès d'organisations de terrain, d'ONG nationales et régionales, d'universités et du secteur public, développant la facilitation, le renforcement des capacités, le plaidoyer politique, la communication et l'évaluation des politiques.

Cheffe de Projets Spéciaux
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I don't feel comfortable sharing the name of my group and our contact information with AWID, should I still fill out the survey?

Absolutely. These questions are optional, we value your right to remain anonymous. Please fill the survey regardless of your decision to share the name and contact information of your group, organization and/or movement.

Snippet FEA Avellaneda, Gran Buenos Aires (FR)

Avellaneda, Gran Buenos Aires, Argentina

Coopérative Textile Nadia Echazú



Pourquoi et comment renouveler votre adhésion de l'AWID

Rencontrez d'autres membres

Nos membres individuel-le-s et institutionnels viennent de 163 pays situés dans TOUTES les régions du monde. Les dernier-ère-s membres à avoir rejoint notre association viennent de l’Inde, du Royaume-Uni, du Sri Lanka et du Kirghizistan. Nos membres contribuent un éventail riche et diversifié de perspectives, d’expériences, de connaissances, d’énergie et d’inspiration !

Connaissez-vous nos profils hebdomadaires de membres ?

En tant que membre de l’AWID, vous pourrez, entre autres avantages, voir votre propre histoire figurer dans la newsletter que nous envoyons à 35,000 abonné-e-s et que nous diffusons par le biais des médias sociaux auprès de 60,000 personnes.

Récemment en vedette :

Rencontrez Angila Ashitua, une jeune femme du comté de Vihiga, situé dans l’ouest du Kenya.

Rencontrez d'autres membres

Connectez, Inspirez, Mobilisez !

Comment ?

Et bien plus encore !

Vous pouvez renouveler votre adhésion pour une période d’1, 2 ou 3 ans. Nous offrons la possibilité d’une adhésion individuelle ou institutionnelle gratuite à ceux et celles dont les revenus ou budgets sont restreints.

Renouvelez votre adhésion dès aujourd’hui !

Si vous rencontrez des difficultés lors de votre identification en ligne et avez besoin d’aide, n’hésitez pas à me contacter à l’adresse suivante :


Les témoignages de nos membre

« Nous trouvons que l’AWID est un réseau particulièrement stimulant et nous nous impliquons dans beaucoup de ses plateformes. » – Engabu Za Tooro (membre institutionnel de l’AWID)

« Je me réjouis d’entamer une collaboration fructueuse avec l’équipe. J’en suis très heureuse. Merci de m’avoir acceptée parmi vos membres. » – R. Chakraborty (membre individuelle de l’AWID)

« Je tiens à remercier infiniment l’AWID ! Vous accomplissez un travail gigantesque. Vos efforts sont grandement appréciés. » – E. Khan (membre individuelle de l’AWID)

Sarah Maldoror

“Je n’adhère pas au concept de ‘tiers-monde’. Je fais des films pour que les gens puissent les comprendre indépendamment de leur race ou de leur couleur. Pour moi, il n’y a que des exploiteurs et des exploités, c’est tout. Faire un film, c’est prendre position.” - Sarah Maldoror 

Sarah Maldoror, cinéaste française d’origine antillaise, fut une pionnière du cinéma panafricain. Elle plaça ses préoccupations politiques et son engagement de longue date dans les mouvements de décolonisation au coeur de son oeuvre.

Son film révolutionnaire Sambizanga (1972), avec son “image révolutionnaire”, retrace la lutte de libération anticoloniale des activistes angolais et retranscrit le point de vue d’une femme qui se trouve dans ce moment historique.   

“Pour beaucoup de cinéastes africains, le cinéma est un outil de la révolution, une éducation politique pour transformer les consciences. Il s’inscrivait dans l’émergence d’un cinéma du Tiers-Monde cherchant à décoloniser la pensée pour favoriser des changements radicaux dans la société.” - Sarah Maldoror

Au cours de sa carrière, Sarah a fondé, aux côtés d’un certain nombre d’artistes africain·e·s et caribéen·ne·s, la première compagnie de théâtre noire en France (1956). Elle a réalisé une quarantaine de films, y compris d’importants documentaires qui mettent en valeur les vies et l’oeuvre d’artistes noir·e·s, notamment celles de son ami et poète Aimé Césaire qui lui écrivit ceci: 

“À Sarah Maldoror qui, caméra au poing, 
combat l’oppression, l’aliénation 
et défie la connerie humaine”. 

Sarah a également voulu permettre aux femmes africaines de s'approprier davantage le processus de réalisation des films. Dans une interview, elle faisait remarquer : 

"La femme africaine doit être partout. Elle doit être à l'image, derrière la caméra, au montage, à toutes les étapes de la fabrication d'un film. C'est elle qui doit parler de ses problèmes…”  

Sarah a laissé un héritage incroyablement puissant qui doit être transmis. 

Née le 19 juillet 1929, Sarah est décédée le 13 avril 2020 des suites de complications liées au coronavirus.

Regardez Sambizanga et lisez la critique de film parue dans le New York Times en 1973 (seulement en anglais)

Faye Macheke


Faye is a passionate Pan-African feminist, active in movements for women's rights, racial justice, migrant and labor rights, and environmental justice. Her activism builds on the legacy of the struggle against apartheid in South Africa and the aftermath of the apartheid era in Zimbabwe.

In 2019, Faye joined AWID as the Director of Finance, Operations and Development, and strived to ensure that AWID upholds the feminist principles and values in all of its operations. She brings over 20 years of experience in feminist leadership, strategy, and all aspects of finance and organizational development.

Faye is a committed Board Member of UAF-Africa and other women's rights organizations. She previously held a Head of Finance and Operations roles at Paediatric Adolescent Treatment for Africa and JASS - Just Associates Inc. in Southern Africa. She also held Directorship roles for International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL) in Central and Southern Africa. She holds a Bcompt in Accounting Science from University of South Africa and is a member of the Southern African Institute for Business Accountants.

Co-Executive Director
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¿Cuándo estarán disponibles los resultados de la encuesta?

Analizaremos las respuestas a la encuesta para extraer conclusiones y tendencias, y presentaremos los resultados durante el 15º Foro Internacional de AWID en Bangkok y en línea, en diciembre de 2024. Para asistir al Foro, puedes inscribirte aquí.

Snippet FEA 1 of 3 trans and travesti people (EN)

This is an illustration that depicts a burgundy building next to a duck blue building

1 of 3 trans and travesti people in Argentina live in a poor household

8. Finalize and format

Your comprehensive research product is now all organized and edited. You now want to ensure your findings are visually accessible and appealing to facilitate the dissemination.

In this section

Package your long report for public dissemination

Consider developing smaller products along with your long report.

As mentioned in the “Synthesize your research findings,” AWID often pulls smaller products from the lengthy research report. This allows for wider and easier distribution specialized for key audiences.

Always keep your targeted population in mind: who will read your report?

Examples of smaller products distilled from a larger report:

  • Infographics
  • Online gallery
  • An animation presenting your arguments

1. Think as your audience thinks

People are bombarded with information constantly. Your product will have to be visually compelling to maintain the interest of your audience. Again, having an idea of what you hope to accomplish and who you hope to reach, will allow the designer to create targeted products.

A lengthy written PDF report may seem the only way to present your research, but it could appear overwhelming to most people – especially online.

If you want to share your product with an online community, think about creating memes and infographics to use on social media, blogs and web platforms.

When deciding whether to create smaller products, consider dividing your results into several smaller products that you could share with targeted populations or at different times of the year to reactivate the interest on your product.

2. Work with a professional designer

If you have limited time and a little bit of budget, we recommend hiring a design firm.

It can be tempting for economic reasons to use in-house staff to package your report. However, a professional graphic designer can make a huge difference on how your final product looks and thus on how much impact it will have!

The designer (in-house or hired) must be able to:

  • Show you samples of their previous work that is similar to what you seek.

  • Provide you clear advice on how to present your research based on the content you provide and the audience you are targeting.

  • Suggest additional or different pieces to package your product.

What the designer will need from you:

  • A general idea on what you would like the lengthy report to highlight through visuals and graphics (what are the most important pieces of information, the key findings, for example) and some ideas on the types of smaller products you want to create (brochure, an infographic, a series of viral memes, for example). If possible, show the designer examples of similar documents developed by other organizations.
  • Your budget and time frame.
  • Your organization’s visual guidelines if you have any (logo, official colours, fonts, etc...).
  • A few photos copyright free or access to your photo bank if you have one.
  • Key visuals that need to be included – graphs, tables and other visual graphics drawn from your research.

The designer is a graphic expert. S/he is not necessarily familiar with women’s issues and does not know the results of your research, especially if you hire an external firm.

Communicate what elements of this report is important to you and who is your target. The designer will propose a way to highlight these elements and make the whole piece appealing to your users.

3. Make sure it's consistent

While creating a set of smaller information products, do not forget to link them all together:

  • A shorter version of the report that focuses only on your final results and recommendations should present a link to the final, full report
  • A visually compelling infographic that sends a message on the state of funding for your particular research can link to your website and the related section of the full report. It should be associated with a call to share on social media.
  • A short animation video that uses the data, findings and recommendations from your report should link back to your organization website and social media
  • A series of viral memes that can be distributed online should link back to your report, infographic, shorter report, etc.

It is also important to keep the research staff involved, so they can ensure any offshoot products stay true to the actual findings of the research.

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Control the quality of the translations

After the design and packaging of the final research report is complete, if any of the wording of content was changed, be sure to re-send to translators.

If you create smaller products, once designed and packaged, you will also need to get the copy translated for those pieces. The translations should be clear enough so the designer can apply to the design, even if she/he does not speak the language.

Once translated, make sure to have your design proofread by a native speaker before sharing it!

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Previous step

7. Synthesize your research findings

Next step

9. Advocate and tell the world

Estimated time:

• 2-3 months

People needed:

• 1 or more research person(s)
• 1 or more editor
• Design staff or hiring design firm
• Translator(s), if necessary

Resources needed:

• List of online spaces for dissemination

Previous step

7. Synthesize your research findings

Next step

9. Advocate and tell the world

Ready to Go? Worksheet

Download the toolkit in PDF

Gloria Chicaiza

Gloria Chicaiza, an Ecuadorian social and environmental activist, was a fervent defender of land and water. She defied the status quo, fighting against a model of development based on extraction and worked tirelessly for ecological justice and the rights of communities affected by mining.  

In diverse areas of Ecuador, Gloria was part of resistance actions in favour of protecting the ecosystem. With passion and dedication, Gloria supported the indigenous and environmental movement, its communities and organizations who oppose mining projects and protect their territories and collective life projects. She spoke out, in local and international foras, against the criminalization of dissent and resistance, the pressure and violence being enacted against community activists, in particular, women human rights defenders and in support of community led efforts for food sovereignty and sustainability

She was the Mining Justice Coordinator at Acción Ecológica, member of the Latin American Network of Women Defenders of the Social and Environmental Rights and a Board member at the Observatory of Mining Conflicts of Latin America.

In October 2010, Gloria was accused by the mining company Curimining / Salazar Resources S.A. (with Headquarters in Vancouver, Canada) of sponsoring an act of terrorism, sabotage and illegal association to commit a crime. Acción Ecológica believed this to be “in retaliation for her work of denouncing the impacts of mining activities in the country.”

In 2014, Gloria supported the coordination of a delegation to the UN COP 20 Dialogue on Climate Change. The group consisted of 25 Indigenous women from Latin America.

Gloria passed away due to complications from a lung transplant on December 28, 2019. She is remembered for her resistance and tireless work. 

"The fastest way to achieve sustainability is still resistance." -  Gloria Chicaiza (2010 interview)


“Para GLORIA. GLORIA Agua. GLORIA Tierra. GLORIA Madre. GLORIA Revolución. GLORIA Hermana. GLORIA Cielo. GLORIAmiga. GLORIAstral. Thank you for weaving us together.” -Liliana Gutierrez

“Thank you Glorita, for sustaining hope, for keeping the fabric strong, for connecting the community, for the united hands, for solidarity, thank you Glorita for standing with us in the most difficult moments. Thank you for teaching us that throughout life, nobody gets tired.” (Chakana News)

“Gloria Chicaiza cherished and flourished in being one of many. And as humble as she was, she had an uncanny ability to lead and maintain a steady and thunderous beat, a life-affirming pulse that guided, mobilized, and inspired communities and networks in the protection of Mother Earth. She denounced all forms of violence against cuerpos-territorios. She endorsed el buen vivir.” - Gabriela Jiménez, Latin America Partnerships Coordinator, KAIROS

“Thank you Gloria Chicaiza from infinity we are sure that you will continue to support our struggle. You who continued to struggle with us despite your failing health. You will live on in the forests and the water that you defended with such courage. You will live on in our hearts.”- The community of Intag in Ecuador

Read more Tributes to Gloria

Salome Chagelishvili


 es una activista feminista de Tiflis, Georgia, dedicada a la justicia social y de género. Tiene una Maestría en estudios de género, y ha estado comprometida con movimientos feministas, queer y ecologistas desde hace nueve años, trabajando, entre otras problemáticas, sobre violencia de género, violencia doméstica, derechos y salud sexuales y reproductivos, derechos LGBTIQ, y seguridad y derechos holísticos y digitales, entre otros.

Desde 2014 trabaja activamente sobre asuntos de seguridad de activistas y defensoras de derechos humanos, ha organizado talleres sobre seguridad integrada y seguridad digital dirigidos específicamente a activistas de grupos desfavorecidos (personas queer, minorías étnicas y religiosas, mujeres y niñas rurales, etc.), y también para organizaciones feministas más grandes. Salome integra el «Independent Group of Feminists», una iniciativa informal, no jerárquica y no registrada que reúne feministas de distintos contextos de Georgia. Actualmente, trabaja con el Fondo de Mujeres de Georgia, que está comprometido con la construcción de movimientos feministas y de mujeres, brindando financiación feminista y alentando la filantropía feminista local.


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Snippet - WITM why - RU

Почему Мне Следовало Бы Пройти Этот Опрос?

Snippet FEA Trans and Travesti people (ES)

This image represents a faceless person with short dark hair, and dark skin, with a navy blue shirt, and yellow sweater, working behind a burgundy sewing machine on a navy blue piece of fabric

no está siendo respetado por las empresas