Análisis Especiales

AWID es un organización feminista internacional de membresía, que brinda apoyo a los movimientos que trabajan para lograr la justicia de género y los derechos de las mujeres en todo el mundo.

Consejo de Derechos Humanos (CDH)

El Consejo de Derechos Humanos (CDH) es el cuerpo intergubernamental del sistema de las Naciones Unidas responsable de la promoción y protección de todos los derechos humanos en todo el mundo. El HRC se reúne en sesión ordinaria tres veces al año, en marzo, junio y septiembre.  La La Oficina del Alto Comisionado para los Derechos Humanos (ACNUDH) es la secretaría del Consejo de Derechos Humanos.

El CDH  trabaja de la siguiente forma:

  • Debate y aprueba resoluciones sobre cuestiones mundiales de derechos humanos y el estado de los derechos humanos en determinados países

  • Examina las denuncias de víctimas de violaciones a los derechos humanos o las de organizaciones activistas, quienes interponen estas denuncias representando a lxs víctimas.

  • Nombra a expertos independientes que ejecutarán los «Procedimientos Especiales» revisando y presentado informes sobre las  violaciones a los derechos humanos desde una perspectiva temática o en relación a un país específico

  • Participa en discusiones con expertos y  gobiernos respecto a cuestiones de derechos humanos.

  • A través del Examen Periódico Universal, cada cuatro años y medio, se evalúan los  expedientes de derechos humanos de todos los Estados Miembro de las Naciones Unidas

Aprende más sobre el CDH

La Sesión actual - CDH44

Se está llevarando a cabo en Ginebra, Suiza del 30 de junio al 17 de julio de 2020.

AWID trabaja con socios feministas, progresistas y de derechos humanos para compartir conocimientos clave, convocar diálogos y eventos de la sociedad civil, e influir en las negociaciones y los resultados de la sesión.

Con nuestrxs socixs, nuestro trabajo será:

◾️ Monitorear, rastrear y analizar actores, discursos y estrategias anti-derechos y su impacto en las resoluciones

◾️ Desarrollar conjuntamente una labor de promoción conjunta para contrarrestar a los actores anti-derechos y debatir más a fondo las conclusiones del Informe de Tendencias de OUR de 2017

◾️ Apoyar, coordinar y desarrollar de manera colaborativa el Caucus feminista emergente en el CDH


Contenido relacionado

CFA 2023 - Hybrid like never before: in person - FR

Hybride comme jamais auparavant

Pour la première fois, le Forum de l'AWID propose trois modes de participation :

En personne

Les participant.e.s se réuniront à Bangkok, en Thaïlande. Nous sommes impatient.e.s de vous y retrouver!

Zita Kavungirwa Kayange

Zita fue una activista por los derechos de las mujeres que defendió los derechos de las mujeres rurales en el Gran Kivu.

Fue la primera directora ejecutiva de UWAKI, una organización de mujeres muy conocida. A través de su trabajo con la Red de Mujeres por los Derechos y la Paz (RFDP) y el Foro de Mujeres por la Paz de Kivu del Sur, dedicó su vida a ayudar a restablecer la paz en la zona oriental de la República Democrática del Congo. Se manifestó firmemente en contra del uso de la violencia sexual como arma de guerra.

En 2006, se propuso como candidata en las primeras elecciones democráticas del país. Aunque no ganó, siguió defendiendo los derechos de las mujeres y la comunidad de Kivu del Sur la recuerda con cariño.


Zita Kavungirwa Kayange, Republic Democratic of Congo

Snippet Kohl - Intro EN


Feminists have long asserted that the personal is political. Crear, Resister, Transform Festival created spaces for feminists to discuss issues around body, gender and sexualities, and explored the interconnections of how these issues are both deeply embodied experiences, and simultaneously a terrain where rights are constantly disputed and at risk in society.

The power of feminist movements lie in how we organise and take coordinated action, not only amongst our own communities and movements, but with allied social justice causes and groups. This space provided opportunities for movements to share and strengthen organizing and tactical strategies with each other.

The COVID-19 global health pandemic has made the failures of neo-liberal capitalism even more apparent than ever before, exposed the cracks in our systems, and highlighted the need and opportunities to build new realities. A feminist economic and social recovery requires all of us to make it together. This journal edition in partnership with Kohl: a Journal for Body and Gender Research, will explore feminist solutions, proposals and realities for transforming our current world, our bodies and our sexualities.

Explore the articles online or
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Key impacts on the international human rights system

Anti-rights actors have had a substantive impact on our human rights framework and the progressive interpretation of human rights standards, especially rights related to gender and sexuality.

When it comes to the impact of conservative actors in international policy spaces, the overall picture today is of stasis and regressions.

We have witnessed the watering down of existing agreements and commitment; deadlock in negotiations; sustained undermining of UN agencies, treaty review bodies and Special Procedures; and success in pushing through regressive language in international human rights documents.

Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)

The CSW, held annually in March, has long been one of the most contested sites in the UN system. In March 2015, conservative efforts set the tone before events or negotiations even began; the outcome document of the Commission was a weak Declaration negotiated before any women’s rights activists even arrived on the ground.

At 2016’s CSW, the new Youth Caucus was infiltrated by large numbers of vocal anti-abortion and anti-SRHR actors, who shouted down progressive youth organizations. Again, intensive negotiations resulted in a lacklustre text, which included regressive language on ‘the family.’

Precisely when addressing women’s human rights is of urgent importance, the CSW has been rendered a depoliticized and weakened space. Using it to advance rights has become harder and harder since progressives’ energy is taken up trying to hold the ground against conservative backlash.

Human Rights Council (HRC)

As the intergovernmental body responsible for the promotion and protection of human rights around the globe, the HRC is a key entry point for conservative actors. In recent years, this mechanism has been the scene for a number of damaging anti-human rights moves.

In conversation with other anti-rights actors, one strategy of conservative states, and blocs of states, is to aggressively negotiate out positive language and to introduce hostile amendments to resolutions, most often resolutions focusing on rights related to gender and sexuality.

To take one example, during the June 2016 session of the HRC, opposition was mounted towards a resolution on discrimination against women by the member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and allies. During contentious negotiations, multiple provisions were removed, including women’s and girls’ right to have control over their sexuality, sexual and reproductive health, and reproductive rights; and the need to repeal laws which perpetuate the patriarchal oppression of women and girls in families, and those criminalizing adultery or pardoning marital rape.

The HRC has also been the site of pernicious conservative initiatives to co-opt human rights norms and enact conservative “human rights” language, such as that of the Russia-led “traditional values” resolutions, and more recently the “Protection of the Family” agenda.

Human Rights Committee

In 2015, moving their sights to another front, a number of religious right organizations began to target the Human Rights Committee, the treaty monitoring body for the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), a pivotal human rights instrument.

Anti-human rights groups mobilized in hopes of cementing their anti-abortion rhetoric into the treaty.

When the Committee announced it was drafting a new authoritative interpretation of the right to life, over 30 conservative non-state actors sent in written submissions, advocating their misleading discourse on ‘right to life’ - that life begins at conception and that abortion is a violation of the right - be incorporated in the Committee’s interpretation of article 6.

Conservative groups targeting the Human Rights Committee was a shift considering that historically anti-human rights actors have repeatedly attempted to undermine and invalidate the essential work of the treaty monitoring bodies, including the Human Rights Committee.

SDG negotiations and Agenda 2030

Anti-human rights actors were involved in lobbying towards the development of the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, focusing again on rights relating to gender and sexuality. These efforts had limited traction in their attempts to embed regressive language in Agenda 2030.

However, after successfully pushing back against progressive language in the final text, conservative actors then pivoted to another strategy. In an attempt to evade state accountability and undermine the universality of rights, several states have repeatedly made reservations to the Goals.

On behalf of the African Group, Senegal claimed that African states would only “implement the goals in line with the cultural and religious values of its countries.”

The Holy See also made a number of reservations, stating it was “confident that the related pledge ‘no one will be left behind’ would be read” as meaning “the right to life of the person, from conception until natural death.”

Saudi Arabia went one step further, declaring that the country would not follow any international rules relating to the SDGs that reference sexual orientation or gender identity, describing them as running “counter to Islamic law.”

General Assembly (GA)

Anti-rights actors have made increasing headway at the UN General Assembly (GA).  Most recently, during the 71st session in 2016, the GA was the scene of feverish anti-rights organizing in opposition to the new mandate created by the Human Rights Council resolution on sexual orientation and gender identity in June 2016: the Independent Expert on SOGI. Four separate attempts were made to undercut the mandate in GA spaces.

One approach was to introduce a hostile resolution at the Third Committee[1], led by the African Group, which in essence aimed to indefinitely defer the new mandate. While this approach was not successful, such an attempt in the GA to retroactively block the creation of a mandate brought forward by the Human Rights Council represented a new and troubling tactic - anti-right actors are now working to directly undermine the HRC’s authority respective to the General Assembly.

Another approach targeted the Fifth Committee (responsible for administration and budgetary matters) as an entry point to attack the mandate. In an unprecedented move a number of States attempted (again, unsuccessfully) to block the funding of UN human rights experts, including the new IE on SOGI[2],.

While these multiple efforts were unsuccessful in blocking the creation and continuation of the new mandate, the significant support they received, the novel strategizing employed, and the strong alliances built along regional lines through negotiations point to difficulties ahead.

[1] The Third Committee of the GA deals with agenda items relating to a range of social, humanitarian affairs, and human rights issues.  Each year it discusses and issues resolutions on issues including the advancement of women, the protection of children, family, and youth.

[2] While UN Special Procedures experts (i.e. Special Rapporteurs, Working Group members and Independent Experts) work pro bono, some funds are generally allocated to facilitate country visits on the invitation of the national government, and support staff.


Other Chapters

Read the full report

CFA 2023 - Call for Activities is live- FR

L’appel à activités est ouvert!

La date limite pour proposer une activité est prolongée jusqu'au 1er février 2024


Dans l'esprit du thème du Forum, nous vous invitons à proposer une diversité de sujets et de formats d'ateliers qui :

  • Facilitent une connexion et une interaction authentiques entre les participant.e.s.
  • Favorisent la guérison et la régénération sous diverses formes, en tant qu'individus, communautés et mouvements.
  • Nous inspirent et nous mettent au défi de prospérer ensemble en tant que communautés et mouvements.

Bessy Ferrera

Bessy Ferrera fue una defensora de los derechos humanos de las personas trans, de las trabajadoras sexuales y de las personas seropositivas en Honduras, durante toda su vida.  

Bessy también fue  integrante de Arcoíris, una organización que apoya a la comunidad LGBTI+. También fue una persona de referencia para la Plataforma Derechos Aquí y Ahora de Honduras, y abogó enérgicamente por la ciudadanía plena de las personas trans, y por la aprobación de una ley de identidad de género que permitiera a las personas trans cambiar su identidad de género legalmente.

"Desde principios de año [2019] la comunidad trans ha sufrido una serie de ataques, por defender, por reivindicar derechos". - Rihanna Ferrera (hermana de Bessy)
Bessy era una trabajadora sexual, y a principios de julio de 2019, fue asesinada a tiros por dos hombres mientras trabajaba en las calles de Comayagüela. Quienes la asesinaron fueron posteriormente arrestados.

Bessy es una de las muchxs defensorxs de los derechos LGBTI+ en Honduras que fueron asesinadxs por su identidad y su trabajo. Otras compañeras han sido: Cynthia Nicole, Angy Ferreira, Estefanía "Nia" Zúñiga, Gloria Carolina Hernández Vásquez, Paola Barraza, Violeta Rivas y Sherly Montoya.

El caso de Bessy es emblemático por su injusticia y por reflejar un problema mucho más amplio, que es el de la violencia sistemática a la que se enfrenta la comunidad LGBTI+ en Honduras, ya que el Estado ni garantiza los derechos que ofrece y ni  brinda protección. Esto ha creado una cultura de impunidad.

A pesar de los riesgos a los que se enfrentan lxs defensorxs LGBTI+ en Honduras, continúan a diario con su trabajo para desafiar y resistir la violencia, y luchar contra el estigma y la discriminación.

"Si muero, que sea por algo bueno y no por algo inútil. No quiero morir huyendo,  como unx cobarde. Si muero, quiero que la gente diga que morí luchando por lo que es mío". -  integrante de Arcoíris.

Sexting Like a Feminist: Humor in the Digital Feminist Revolution Snippet Small

Sexting Like a Feminist: Humor in the Digital Feminist Revolution

by Chinelo Onwualu

On September 2nd, 2021, the amazing feminist and social justice activists of AWID’s Crear | Résister | Transform festival came together not only to share resistance strategies, co-create, and transform the world, but also to talk dirty on Twitter.


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CFA 2023 - Submit Button - FR

Yelena Grigoriyeva

Yelena Grigoriyeva, que ses ami·e·s appelaient souvent Lena, était une défenseure connue des droits des personnes LGBT en Russie.

Membre de mouvements démocratiques, pacifistes et LGBT, Yelena était une féroce opposante au président Vladimir Poutine et son administration. Elle a notamment exprimé son opposition à l’annexion de la péninsule ukrainienne de la Crimée par la Russie ainsi que critiqué les mauvais traitements infligés aux détenu·e·s.

Yelena a fait part de sa bisexualité en 2019.

« Sa déclaration m’a surprise et je ne l’approuvais pas. Je lui ai dit : « Écoute, Lena, tu portes déjà une cible sur la poitrine du fait de ton activisme politique. Tu viens de t’en peindre une autre dans le dos », Olga Smirnova, compagne de lutte politique et amie.

Yelena a effectivement reçu plusieurs menaces de mort, et des proches ont déclaré que son nom figurait sur un site Web homophobe qui incitait ses visiteur·euse·s à tuer les personnes LGBT. Elle a fait part de ces menaces à la police, mais l’État russe ne l’a pas protégée. 

Mais même dans une société où l’opposition politique, les activistes et les membres de la communauté LGBT, qui se battent pour leurs droits, font face à une violence croissante, Yelena continuait à défendre la justice sociale et l’égalité.

« Elle ne manquait pas une seule action militante. Et ils l’ont arrêtée plus de fois que je n’ai pu en compter », Olga Smirnova.

Yelena a été assassinée le 21 juillet 2019, à proximité de chez elle. Un suspect a été arrêté, mais certaines sources et plusieurs de ses ami·e·s et compagnes et compagnons de lutte pensent que ce suspect sert de bouc émissaire, et qu’en fait, il s’agit d’un assassinat politique ciblé. 

Pour la famille et les ami·e·s de Yelena, son assassinat demeure irrésolu, bien que le suspect ait avoué. 

En 2013, la Russie a passé une loi interdisant la propagation de ce qu’elle a appelé la « propagande gay ». En 2014, Human Rights Watch a publié un rapport à ce propos (en anglais et en russe).

#7 - Sexting like a feminist Tweets Snippet ES

¡Vente bien! Y muestra tus fuentes…

You want this pussy? Let me see that paper. (Seriously, where are your test results? Digital copy is fine.)

Si quieres esta concha, déjame ver ese papel (En serio, ¿dónde está el resultado de tu prueba? En versión digital está bien)

Here are your report and infographics: Toward a feminist funding ecosystem

CFA 2023 - Online and Hybrid - ar


عبر الإنترنت وهجين

كمشارك/ة عبر الإنترنت، يمكنك توجيه النشاطات والتواصل والتحدث مع الآخرين/ الأخريات وتجربة الإبداع والفن والاحتفال بمنتدى جمعية حقوق المرأة في التنمية بشكل مباشر. سيستمتع المشاركون/ات المتصلون/ات عبر الإنترنت ببرنامج غني ومتنوع، بدءًا من ورشات العمل والنقاشات وحتى نشاطات الاستشفاء والعروض الموسيقية. ستركز بعض الأنشطة على التواصل بين المشاركين/ات عبر الإنترنت، وسيكون البعض الآخر هجينًا بالفعل، يركز على الاتصال والتفاعل بين المشاركين/ات عبر الإنترنت وأولئك الموجودين/ات في بانكوك.

Nadyn Jouny

The personal is political - and fiery and courageous Nadyn Jouny personified this feminist mantra. Nadyn experienced firsthand the pain of structural violence in legal systems that strip women of their rights.

When she decided to file for divorce, the religious Shitte courts under the Lebanese Personal Status laws, denied her custody of her young son Karam. Nadyn, like so many other women across Lebanon and other countries, was caught in the impossible pain of leaving an unwanted and abusive relationship and also losing the rights to her child. But Nadyn fought back, as she would until her last day.

She used her media savvy to become an outspoken voice to women fighting discriminatory family laws in Lebanon and internationally. Nadyn co-founded the self-funded group, “Protecting Lebanese Women” (PLW) and banded with many other Lebanese mothers facing similar custody issues. Together, they advocated to raise awareness of the injustices they were facing, protesting in front of the religious courts for their rights and bringing international media attention to extreme injustices they were facing.    

Nadyn also worked with ABAAD - Resource Center for Gender Equality, another women’s rights organization in Lebanon, to campaign for women’s rights, equality in family law and custody and against forced and early marriages.

For many of her colleagues, she came to “symbolize a Lebanese mother’s fight against suppression and misogyny of all sorts," using “her personal experiences and her individual journey of empowerment to give hope to others that they can be a catalyst for positive change.”- ABAAD - Resource Centre for Gender Equality, Lebanon

On October 6, 2019 Nadyn was tragically killed in a car accident on her way to protest unfair tax increases in a country already facing spiralling financial crisis. Nadyn Jouny was only 29 years old at the time of her death.