Analyses Spéciales

L´AWID est une organisation féministe mondiale qui consacre ses efforts à la justice de genre, au développement durable et aux droits humains des femmes

Activisme des jeunes féministes

S'organiser de manière créative face à des menaces croissantes

Les jeunes activistes féministes jouent un rôle crucial au sein des organisations et des mouvements pour les droits des femmes à travers le monde. Ce sont elles qui soulèvent les nouveaux problèmes auxquels les féministes sont confrontées aujourd'hui. Leur force, leur créativité et leur adaptabilité sont vitales pour assurer la viabilité des organisations féministes.

Pourtant,  elles sont confrontées à toute une série d’obstacles particuliers, notamment l'accès limité au financement et au soutien, le manque de possibilités de renforcement des capacités et une augmentation considérable des agressions sur les jeunes défenseuses des droits humains. Ces obstacles entraînent un manque de visibilité qui rend leur intégration et leur participation effective au sein des mouvements pour les droits des femmes encore plus difficiles.

Une approche multigénérationnelle

Le Programme d’activisme des jeunes féministes de l'AWID a été mis en place pour veiller à ce que les voix des jeunes femmes soient entendues et représentées dans le discours féministe. Nous voulons faire en sorte que les jeunes féministes aient un meilleur accès à du financement, à des opportunités de renforcer leurs capacités et aux processus internationaux.

En plus de soutenir directement les jeunes féministes, nous travaillons également avec des activistes des droits des femmes de tout âge pour élaborer des modèles et des stratégies d’organisation multigénérationnelles plus efficaces.

Nos actions

Nous souhaitons que les jeunes féministes puissent jouer un rôle actif dans les prises de décisions qui concernent leurs droits. Nos actions incluent :

  • Favoriser la mise en commun et le partage d'informations par la Plateforme de jeunes féministes. Étant donné l'importance des médias en ligne pour le travail des jeunes féministes, notre équipe a lancé la Plateforme de jeunes féministes en mai 2010. Elle a pour objectifs d’échanger des renseignements, de renforcer les capacités des membres par le truchement de webinaires et de  discussions en ligne, et d'encourager la consolidation d’une communauté de jeunes féministes.

  • Soutenir la recherche et le renforcement des connaissances sur l'activisme des jeunes féministes, pour accroître la visibilité et l'influence de leur activisme au sein et entre les mouvements pour les droits des femmes et auprès d'autres acteurs-trices clés, tels les donateurs.

  • Faire la promotion de la collaboration multigénérationnelle, en explorant de meilleures façons de travailler ensemble.

  • Inciter les jeunes féministes à s’engager dans les processus internationaux relatifs au programme de développement, notamment ceux des Nations Unies.

  • S’assurer leur collaboration dans tous les domaines prioritaires de l'AWID, y compris le Forum, pour faire en sorte que leurs contributions, leurs perspectives, leurs besoins et leur activisme se traduisent dans les débats, les politiques et les programmes qui les concernent.

Contenu lié

Snippet FEA argentina history cooperatives (FR)

L'Argentine a une longue histoire d’autogestion et de coopérativisme, avec des lieux de travail dirigés par et pour les travailleur·euses.

En 2001, le pays a connu l'une des pires crises économiques de son histoire.

En réponse à la récession et comme forme de résistance et de résilience, les travailleur·euses de tout le pays ont commencé à occuper leurs lieux de travail.

La Coopérative Textile Nadia Echazú a été la première coopérative créée par et pour les personnes trans et travesti en quête d'autonomie économique et de conditions de vie dignes.

Elle offre des opportunités d'emploi, l’accès à la sécurité sociale, des revenus durables et des droits économiques aux communautés qu'elle sert.

Snippet - WITM to claim - AR

لتجسيد قوتكم/ن كخبيرات عن وضع التمويل للحركات النسوية

Yo, Imposible proyección: la guía de participación

Ayanda Denge

“I am a wonder… Therefore I have been born by a mother! As I begin to stutter, my life has been like no other…” - Ayanda Denge  (read the whole poem below)

Ayanda Denge was a transwomxn, sex worker, activist, poet. She was Xhosa, from Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. After travelling through different cities of the country, she moved to Cape Town. 

As a committed and fervent social justice activist, she fought for the rights of sex workers, trans persons, and for those of people living with HIV and AIDS. She was also a motivational speaker on cancer awareness, and campaigned for affordable and social housing, especially for poor and working-class people. Ayanda stood tall as a mountain against different and often abusive faces of discrimination. 

“Being transgender is not a double dose, but it’s a triple dose of stigmatisation and discrimination. You are discriminated against for your sexual identity, you are discriminated against for your work, and you are discriminated against for your HIV status.” - Ayanda Denge, 2016

She was acting chairperson at the Sex Workers Education and Advocacy Taskforce (SWEAT) and also worked as an Outreach Coordinator at Sisonke, a national sex workers’ movement in South Africa. 

“From us, from our regional head office, to SWEAT where I sit on the board, to Sisonke, a movement of sex workers in Cape Town. We all amalgamate, we have one cry and it’s a cry that is recognised internationally by international sex workers. We want decriminalisation of sex work.” - Ayanda Denge, 2016

She lived in the Ahmed Kathrada House, which was being occupied by the Reclaim the City campaign for social housing. In 2018, Ayanda was elected house leader. On 24 March 2019, she was stabbed to death in her room. The year prior, another resident was killed.

Reclaim the City draws a connection between the safety of the house residents and the Provincial Government withholding electricity and the human right to water: 

“We cannot separate the safety of women and LGBTQI people living in the occupation from the refusal by the Western Cape Provincial Government to turn the electricity and water back on at Ahmed Kathrada House.

The house is pitch black at night. We need lights to keep each other safe. It is as if the Province wishes to punish poor and working class people, whose only crime is that we needed a home. While they may disagree with our reasons for occupying, they should be ashamed of themselves for putting politics before the safety and dignity of residents of this city.

Rest in Peace comrade Ayanda Denge, we shall remember you as we carry the torch forward in the struggle for decent well-located housing.”

Poem by Ayanda: 

I am a wonder…
Therefore I have been born by a mother!
As I begin to stutter,
My life has been like no other.
Born in pain
Nourished by rain
For me to gain
Was living in a drain.
As I shed a tear
I stand up and hold my spear.
Voices echo, do not fear
Challenges within a year,
Challenges of hurt are on my case;
Community applauds as they assume I have won my race;
But in reality my work strides at a tortoise pace;
On bended knee I bow and ask for grace.
For the Lord
Is my Sword;
To remind humanity
That he provides sanity.
Why Lord am I this wonder?
The Lord answers me with the rain and thunder,
For questioning my father
Who has in the book of lambs
A name called Ayanda.
From the streets my life was never sweet
The people I had to meet;
At times I would never greet;
Even though I had to eat;
I’d opt to take a bow
Rather than a seat

Listen to the poem in Ayanda’s voice

“For my life represents that of a lotus flower, that out of murky and troubled waters I bloomed to be beautiful and strong...” - Ayanda Denge, watch and listen 


“Ayanda, I want to say to you that you are still a survivor, in our hearts and minds. You are gone but you are everywhere, because you are love. How beautiful it is to be loved, and to give love. And Ayanda, that is the gift that you have given us. Thank you for all of the love, we truly did need you. Going forward, I promise to you that we will all commit to continue with the struggle that you have dedicated so much energy and your time to. And we will commit ourselves to pursuing justice in this awful ending to your life.” - Transcript of a message, in a farewell Tribute to Ayanda

“Ayanda was an activist by nature. She knew her rights and would not mind fighting for the rights of others. For me, it was no shock that she was involved with many organizations and it was known that she was a people’s person. It did not need to be the rights of LGBTI but just the rights of everyone that she stood for.” - Ayanda’s sister

Snippet FEA Lohana Berkins (EN)

One of the founding leaders of the cooperative was Lohana Berkins, an activist, defender and promoter of transgender identity. Lohana played a crucial role in the struggle for the rights of trans and travesti people. 

This brought about, among many other things, the passing of the Gender Identity Law. It is one of the most progressive legislations in the world, guaranteeing fundamental rights to trans and travesti people. Now, people can change their names and genders only with an affidavit, and have access to comprehensive healthcare without judicial or medical intervention/approval (Outright International, 2012).

Snippet - WITM Survey will remain open - RU

Опрос будет открыт до 31 июля 2024 года

Чтобы узнать больше об исследовании «Где есть средства?» и о текущей ситуации с финансированием для феминистских организаций, вы можете принять участие в вебинаре, посвященном запуску проекта, 4 Июль 2024.

Пройти опрос!

Ali Chavez Leeds

tasseography print justice. Print on paper, 4 color screen print, 8.5x11, 2016
Impression sur papier, sérigraphie 4 couleurs, 8.5x11, 2016

«Tasseography» (Tasséomancie)

La tasséomancie est une méthode de divination qui interprète les motifs dans les feuilles de thé et/ou le marc de café. Il s’agit d’une pratique qui se transmet par les femmes de mon côté arménien et qui m’a été enseignée par ma mère, qui elle-même l’a apprise de sa mère, et ainsi de suite. Lorsque je regardais ma grand-mère lire le marc de café du café arménien préparé pour la famille et les amis, je remarquais que, souvent, elle voyait ce qu'elle avait envie de dire. Ces gravures disent certaines des choses que j’ai envie de voir dans le monde ; j'espère que vous aussi.  

Our Promise
Impression relief sur papier, 11 × 14 in, 2021

«Our Promise» (Notre promesse)

Cette gravure célèbre la résilience, le sacrifice et la force des combattant·e·s de la liberté de l’Asie du Sud-Ouest et de l’Afrique du Nord à travers l'histoire et la solidarité qui existe. Elle a été inspirée à l'origine par un article que j'ai lu sur une exposition organisée à Tatvan, un district de Bitlis, qui mettait en lumière la présence arménienne dans la région. Mes ancêtres sont originaires de Bitlis, se situant aujourd'hui sur le territoire de la Turquie actuelle.

looking at the cup
Impression relief sur papier, 8.5 × 11 in, 2020

«Looking at the Cup» (Regarder la tasse)

La tasséomancie (la lecture du marc de café) est une pratique culturelle utilisée par les femmes arméniennes depuis des siècles pour se parler entre elles et les unes aux autres, un langage codé permettant d'entamer des conversations, d'établir des relations et de tisser des liens.

À propos d’Ali Chavez Leeds 

]Ali Chavez Leeds portrait
Ali Cat Leeds (elle/iel) est une artiste et graveuse qui vit sur les territoires non cédés de Cowlitz, Multnomah et des tribus confédérées de Grand Ronde, au confluent de deux rivières, également connu sous le nom de Portland, Oregon. Elle produit ses œuvres sous le nom de Entangled Roots Press. Ses impressions mêlent le littéral et le métaphorique pour éclairer et commenter le monde qui nous entoure. Les impressions en relief, sérigraphiques et typographiques vont du carnage de la déforestation à la beauté des mouvements des peuples. Les impressions d'Ali s'inspirent d'histoires ancestrales et s'orientent vers des avenirs libérateurs ; elles enchevêtrent les leçons des jardins, les symboles dans le marc de café, les fils tissés d'Arménie et d'Euskal Herria, jusqu'à la page imprimée.

Snippet FEA Exclusion and Stigma (ES)

Una ilustración de un megáfono en azul marino. Líneas que representan ondas de sonido salen del extremo del altavoz, en color rojo vino.

que las personas trans y travesti siguen enfrentando diariamente

Snippet - WITM Acknowledgements - PT


A AWID agradece sinceramente às várias pessoas cujas ideias, análises e contribuições moldaram a pesquisa e a defesa do “Onde está o dinheiro” ao longo dos anos.

Em primeiro lugar, os nossos mais sinceros agradecimentos aos membres da AWID e às ativistas que participaram nas colaborações com o WITM e testaram este questionário connosco, ao partilhar tão generosamente o seu tempo, análise e espírito.

Agradecemos aos movimentos feministas, aos aliados e aos fundos feministas, incluindo, mas não se limitando ao Black Feminist Fund, Pacific Feminist Fund, ASTREA, FRIDA Young Feminist Fund, Purposeful, Kosovo Women's Network, Human Rights Funders Network, CEECCNA Feminist Fund e PROSPERA, pelas suas investigações rigorosas sobre o estado de financiamento, pela análise perspicaz e pela defesa contínua de mais recursos de melhor qualidade e poder para a organização feminista e de justiça de género em todos os contextos.

Junte-se à comunidade global de feministas que se manifestam sobre o estado de financiamento, e exigem mais recursos de melhor qualidade e poder para feministas globalmente.

Feminist Embodiments of Hope and Power

A Film Series on Feminist Realities from the SWANA region

by Esra Ozban

In a product-obsessed world, prioritizing process is a fundamental feminist method. Processes matter, and curation is no exception. While figuring out which of the films from the SWANA region would speak the loudest to the Feminist Realities theme, the global pandemic we are still facing shifted our everyday lives tremendously. Even to think, write, or express myself has become an everyday struggle. I kept missing all of my deadlines and sending apology emails to Kamee Abrahamian, whom I was working with as an independent curator for AWID’s Feminist Film Club. Kamee’s invaluable support, understanding, and suggestions reminded me that even in two different parts of the world, as colleagues who never met in person, we can co-create micro versions of the Feminist Realities for which we live and yearn. 

Feminist Realities for me have a lot to do with sisterhoods. Sisterhoods that help womxn clearing mines in Artsakh/Nagorno-Karabakh. Sisterhoods baked in Vegan Inclusive Trans Cake by young trans feminists in Ankara that remind cis-ters that they are not welcomed by the Z generation. Sisterhoods that are growing into the mint on Dragica Alafandi’s rooftop in the Dheisheh Refugee Camp in Occupied Palestine in Sowing seeds of resistance. Sisterhoods that embrace intimate, sexual, and revolutionary proximities in Gezi Park in #resistayol. Sisterhoods that unearth an imagined encounter between two generations of womxn in exile in the streets of Haifa in Your father was born 100 years old and so was the Nakba. Cross-species sisterhoods that build in a fictional (brave) space created by Mounia Akl in Submarine for her rebel character Hala, who refuses to evacuate from a city full of garbage and is left behind with a dog friend.
This selection gathers bits and pieces of many Feminist Realities that have been realized in the SWANA region over the last couple of years. We will continue to imagine, learn, and share feminist embodiments of hope and power. In the meantime, let’s immerse ourselves in the powerful alternatives brought to life by the filmmakers and protagonists of these films. We may co-create every step, every act, and every attempt as we continue to cohabitate this world with others who are living Feminist Realities and continue to dream more of them into existence. 


By Emily Mkrtichian& Jesse Soursourian

“With beautiful visuals paired with compelling verité scenes, Motherland is a show of female camaraderie and strength… The film is a testament of women around the world who are willing to work harder to overcome any obstacle they meet.”
    - Nosarieme Garrick, award winning filmmaker

“Motherland is an inspiring visualization of solidarity, courage, and grit…”
    - Hers is Ours Collective, organizers of the Outsider Moving Art & Film Festival

Motherland from jesse soursourian on Vimeo.

Emily Mkrtichian on Feminist Realities and Artsakh/NKR:
We shot the short film, Motherland, in the Republic of Artsakh in 2018. I was drawn to each of these women for their strength, their resilience and their humor -- despite the context in which they lived. In 2018, that context was the aftermath of a brutal war in the 1990’s, after which their country remained an unrecognized (or, in the international community, disputed) territory that was not given the autonomy and independence so many other countries enjoy. Artsakh was also deeply affected by the consequences we see in almost all places that go through violent conflict -- consequences that so often fall on women to bear: PTSD, high rates of alcoholism, high rates of domestic abuse, less equality and freedoms granted to women, little to no representation of women in politics and civil service. In the face of all these challenges, this film tries to capture the fire and power of the women of Artsakh, one that might not fit the traditional Western feminist paradigm, but one they have created for themselves through deep community ties, care for their families, hard work, and the ability to laugh with eachother through it all. Today, the Republic of Artsakh has been newly devastated by another war that left it without 70% of the lands these women grew up understanding were theirs. Yet, I can promise you that these women, and thousands of others, continue to pull their families, communities, and culture together through the same networks of care, commitment to hard work, and deep riotous laughter in the face of an uncertain future. 


By Baladi-Rooted Resistance

“A timely film to watch after having born witness to the latest bombardment of Gaza by Israeli Defence Forces. A glimpse into the way that women in Palestinian communities survive structural oppression, through the story of a library of traditional seeds.. and the women that sustain them as a form of nourishing rebellion.”

    - Jessica Horn, PanAfrican feminst strategist, writer and co-creator of the temple of her skin

“Watching women coming together and working collectively for food autonomy is both therapeutic and empowering for me.”
    - Hers is Ours Collective, organizers of the Outsider Moving Art & Film Festival

Baladi-Rooted Resistance Team on Feminist Realities:
How to talk about Feminist Realities when you live in Deheisheh, a Palestinian refugee camp, built 70 years ago to serve 3000 refugees, but now home to 15000 people, in the occupied West Bank? Or when the land you farm is under constant threat by illegal settlers.
If you’re a woman in occupied Palestine you will have to struggle not only against patriarchy but also against colonialism and a brutal military occupation. 

Dragiča and Vivien are fighting these multiple systems of domination in their own way. 
Vivien uses native seeds to help Palestinians maintain their identity. Growing traditional food in traditional ways has great significance: “If you’re not a producer anymore, you’re a consumer, and what better way to enslave someone than turning them into your consumer. This is happening all around the world, but here you have it doubled with the military occupation.”

31.5% of households in the West Bank are food insecure. Through a rooftop edible garden, Dragiča managed to increase her family’s food autonomy. In the crowded camp, where the Israeli army conducts regular nighttime incursions to arrest and harass residents, Dragiča’s rooftop garden not only nourishes her family, but it especially nourishes her soul.


By Ruzgar Buski

Ruzgar Buski on Feminist Realities:
I don’t know what to say about Feminist Realities but as a trans artist, an activist from Turkey, I know our realities are harsh. We live with violences- physical, emotional, economical, sexual! That is why we have to build our own networks, and co-creating micro realities for each other is a Feminist Reality for me. #resistayol is my first film, and at the beginning I was planning to make a film by/for/with trans people that does not try to convince anyone to the fact that trans people are human or focuses on raising awareness on trans issues. However, Gezi Uprising, one of the biggest uprising in the history of Turkey, happened and the film became something different. 

I believe the production process really affects what the film is. We tried very hard for women, trans and non-binary people to work on every step of the film. This film is made by people who gathered with camaraderie and friendship. Kanka Productions is founded on transfeminist comradeship. I want the film to give hope, to heal because we carry a lot of traumas in our bodies- this is what makes us and what bonds us. Healing is a never-ending process and we have to create spaces to breath. #resistayol is an hour of breathing collectively.

Boysan Yakar in #resistayol:
Well lubunyas (queers) were sitting in the park, all of a sudden bulldozers arrived and everyone got pissed off. Actually in summary this is it. It's Lubunya's park,and we had thirty days to explain that to this huge city. Everyone acknowledged that at night ibnes (faggots) fuck in that park...LGBTI Block carried our commune there. We already didn't trust the state and police  and didn't have any security, we've established our own ways of doing things, our own laws and customs to survive... We carried our law to Gezi rapidly...With an effort to establish some common language and understanding among all these groups, the LGBT language of togetherness spread all through the park. Every day was a Pride march, everyone was continuously saying ‘ayol’. We spruced up the stinky, fusty language of the left. I guess we had such an impact because we've been disowned for all these years. From the most radical ones to the most conservative and nationalist ones, they all needed us, because everyone got used to being confronted with everything. Τhey were not used to such energy, our energy. That’s why it was a great political space for us. Every day, we actualized our biggest and main struggle there, that is, a struggle for visibility and recognition. That’s why we left Gezi with a huge gain.


By Pembe Hayat

“...a multifaceted statement, showing the joy that exists in the friendships within the queer  community in Turkey as a display of rebellion and resistance.”
    - Nosarieme Garrick, award winning filmmaker

“, light, and random. In a world constantly marked and scarred by violence against the trans community, nothing, no action, is (unfortunately) deprived of meaning. So to more joy, love, and meaningful randomness!”

    - Hers is Ours Collective, organizers of the Outsider Moving Art & Film Festival

Cayan Azadi in Vegan Inclusive Trans Cake:
Hello Barbies, Kens, porcelain dolls,  Olive Oyls, cabbage dolls. Brides of Chucky, sisters of Chucky, brother-in-laws of Chucky and last but not least, esteemed brother-in-law lovers.

So why did we make this cake. 

Now we got the news that a trans woman sex worker has attempted suicide due to the violence from street-guards and police on the street. She’s being kept at a police station now and that’s exactly why we made this cake. This transvestite cake is baked to show that we exist in every part of life, that we exist persistently and this cake shows that won’t be wiped off or ignored in this society. 

Yes, there is violence in our lives, yes there is a lot of shade as well but despite all of that, we can still have fun, enjoying life as much as we can. Bon appetit, sis! 

YOUR FATHER WAS BORN 100 YEARS OLD AND SO WAS THE NAKBA  ابوكي خلق عمره ١٠٠ سنة، زي النكبة

By Razan AlSalah


By Mounia Akl

“It is directed as a poem is written… simple, a touch abstract, and moving.” 
    - Hers is Ours Collective, organizers of the Outsider Moving Art & Film Festival

Esra Ozban:
Esra Ozban is a film programmer and filmmaker from Turkey. Their artistic, curatorial, and scholarly work intersects critical archival practices, sex work, pornography, feminist/queer film cultures among others.

Follow us on Social Media to receive news about upcoming events and screenings:

  • Facebook: @AWIDWomensRights
  • Instagram: @awidwomensrights
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  • Twitter FR: @awid_fr
  • Twitter ES: @awid_es
  • LinkedIn: Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID)

Snippet FEA Audio Story 3 (FR)

مجموعتنا، منظمتنا و\أو حركتنا غير مسجلة. هل علينا تعبئة الاستطلاع؟

نعم! نريد أن نسمع منكم/ن عن تجربتكم/ن بالتمويل.

Discursos anti-derechos

Capítulo 3

Los discursos anti-derechos continúan evolucionando. Además de utilizar argumentos relacionados con la religión, la cultura y la tradición, los actores antiderechos cooptan el lenguaje de la justicia social y los derechos humanos para ocultar sus verdaderas agendas y ganar legitimidad.

Alison Howard, Alliance Defending Freedom, speaks outside the construction site of the Washington, D.C. Planned Parenthood.
© American Life League/Flickr
Alison Howard, Alliance Defending Freedom, habla afuera del sitio de construcción de Planned Parenthood en Washington, D.C.

Hace tres décadas, un evangelista televisivo estadounidense candidato del Partido Republicano dijo una célebre frase: el feminismo es «un movimiento político antifamilia que alienta a las mujeres a dejar a sus maridos, matar a sus hijos, practicar brujería, destruir el capitalismo y convertirse en lesbianas». Hoy en día, esta idea conspirativa ha logrado un alcance y una legitimidad sin precedentes bajo la forma del discurso de la «ideología de género», un término genérico que, cual enemigo imaginario, ha sido creado por los actores antiderechos para oponerse a él.

Dentro de la serie de discursos empleados por los actores antiderechos (que incluyen nociones de «imperialismo cultural» y «colonización ecológica», apelaciones a la «objeción de conciencia» y la idea de un «genocidio prenatal»), un tema clave es la cooptación. Los actores antiderechos se apropian de problemáticas legítimas, o seleccionan partes de estas, y las distorsionan al servicio de sus agendas opresivas.

Índice de contenidos

  • Ideología de género
  • Imperialismo cultural y colonización ideológica
  • Aborto: objeción de conciencia
  • Aborto: genocidio prenatal
  • Ejercicio: Recuperemos la narrativa
  • Historia de movimiento de resistencia: Los principios de Nairobi: compromisos inter-movimientos sobre discapacidad y derechos a la salud sexual y reproductiva

Leer el capítulo completo

Snippet FEA Georgia's minimum wage (EN)

Georgia's minimum wage is in the bottom percent of all countries in the world. This reality affects mostly women.

The country not only has a significant gender pay gap, but women also work longer, more unregulated hours before going home to take care of housework and their families. There is no maternity pay, no wage increase for overtime work, no unemployment insurance, and no pay for sick leave or other social protection. Pressured by Western organizations, Georgian oligarchic political parties have been implementing reforms that are destroying the welfare state, increasing austerity measures, and worsening worker exploitation - all for the benefits of big corporations which are applauding the country for its “ease of doing business”. Mass media, coerced by private and corporate interests, either remain silent or biased on these issues. Union organizing remains one of the very few options to fight for basic human rights, and for holding the State and corporations accountable in the face of daily, pervasive violations and persecutions, especially against women.

Sources: Minimum-Wage and Interview with Sopo Japaridze to OpenDemocracy

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