Welcome to Crear | Résister | Transform: a festival for feminist movements!

Date: 1 - 30 September 2021

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Nominate bold feminists to join AWID's Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is key to inform AWID’s strategic direction and support our organisation to fulfill its mission in coherence with the world we live in and the needs of our movements. 

The Feminist Realities Magazine is here! A gift of hope and inspiration for movements everywhere

Dear friends,

This 2020 has been a challenging year that’s demanded from many of us to be like the lotus flower, who grows amid murky pond waters, drawing strength from the adversity. Much like many feminist activists and organizations, who each day continue to transform their world, creating feminist realities, alternative ways of living and working in synergy with people and planet. 

How funders can resource feminist movements: concrete practices to Move More Money to the Drivers of Change 

This report by AWID and Mama Cash, in the context of our Count Me In! partnership, contains key practice-based insights on HOW funding modalities can succeed in providing sustained and direct resources to feminist movements in all their richness, boldness and diversity.

New report: Moving More Money to the Drivers of Change - How funders can resource feminist movements.

This report by AWID and Mama Cash, in the context of our Count Me In! partnership, contains key practice-based insights on HOW funding modalities can succeed in providing sustained and direct resources to feminist movements in all their richness, boldness and diversity.

Time to elect 2 bold feminists to join our Board of Directors

Following our open call for nominations and a thorough review and interview process by our Board’ Nominations & Governance Committee, we are presenting 4 candidates for election who would complement our current Board’s skills and expertise.

Discontinuing the AWID Jobs newsletter

As of January 2021, we will no longer publish jobs on our website. This is to better focus on our core work of co-creating Feminist Realities. 

For your future jobs ads, we recommend using the following platforms specialised in social justice jobs: 

Women leaders and human rights defenders in Colombia: A legacy of dreams, struggles and affection that we will not silence

“[To be a woman leader] is to love and defend our
 culture, land, race, identity.
It is to defend who we are.”
- Claudia Rincón, Colombian leader

Celebrating feminist ancestors with a living archive of hope

On every corner of this planet, we who refuse to have our bodies, our minds, our communities bound and suppressed, have always had heroes, we are surrounded by them, they are with us, they are us.

A strengthened approach to membership

As of today, we are excited to offer our members a more open and flexible way to be part of a worldwide feminist community, and contribute to building collective power across movements, based on principles of global solidarity.